Chapter Eighty-Two: She means well.../Heading to Dantooine!

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Later that day, Ezra laying on his bunk alone in his and Zeb's shared Cabin... After running off to be alone, Ezra knocked very upset on the door to his room! When Zeb opened the door, he was shocked to see his missing roommate crying! After calming him down, he told Zeb and Sabine about Ahsoka's actual test and oh boy, were they mad! After leaving their little adoptive brother alone to calm down, they went to join Hera and the others... Just then, he heard a gentle Droid from outside his room...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Come in...

The door opened, revealing it to be Chopper who was trying to cheer him up! Ezra smiled sweetly, before placing a comforting hand on Chopper's dome!

Chopper tried to explain to the young boy that Ahsoka was pushing him too far and that Kanan and the others defended him right before they left, leaving Kanan, Omega, and him behind to keep an eye on the kid!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Yeah, I know Chopper... Ahsoka might be difficult to get along the last few days, but... She still means well! I guess she's not used to seeing Rex again while at the same time, she's seeing me and Eldra get along with Kanan and her old Master!

Just then, Kanan came in to join the both of them while Omega was looking for some planet so that they could look for the stolen generators on!

Kanan: You want some more company?

Ezra: (Sighs) I guess so...

Kanan: Me and Eldra used to sit like this with both Depa and Quinlan all the time as kids whenever we were upset! (Sighs) I still don't understand how she could have left the Order!

Ezra frowned, remembering why Ahsoka left the Jedi Order!

Ezra: It was a surprise decision to everyone...

Kanan: It was wrong! She's a Jedi, she belongs with us! She's one of us...

Ezra: She made the decision, Kanan...

Kanan: Well, what choice did Anakin or the others give her!?! The moment that there were any suspicions about her loyalty, the council turned their back on her!

Ezra: I will grant you that mistakes were made... But just me when Kaitis betrayed me and Eldra years ago, she chose to leave! Part of the Jedi way is not letting your emotions cloud your better judgement and that's precisely what me and Ahsoka did. Even in our most critical moment! You can't take responsibility for Ahsoka's decision, Kanan... (Sighs) She chose a different path, as did Kaitis... I have to respect their decision! Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on... She may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you do! We'll figure it out like we always do! It's what Anakin and Padme would've wanted...

Just then, Omega rushes in with some good news!

Omega: Hey guys, I have a theory about how can find the Commander's lost generators!

Kanan: You do?

Omega: Yeah, over the radio I overheard that Vizago sent a distress signal from the planet of Dantooine! If there's a chance to find them and him, we have to try!

Ezra: Not to mention the fact I owe Vizago a favour for the info that got Kanan out of that Imperial cell!

Kanan smirked, seeing the kids had a good point! Plus, he's bored of just waiting around for the others to get back from their dead end search here on the base!

Kanan: Nah, what the heck? Could be fun! Plus, I'm bored of waiting for the others to get back from their dead end search! Hera said that we could borrow the Phantom if we need to!

Omega: Alright, race you, Chopper, and Ezra to the Phantom! And it's official this time!

Ezra: Oh it is so on!

As four raced to the spare ship, Ezra allows Omega to get on first!

Ezra: Ladies first!

Omega: Why thank you! (Giggles)

Omega climbed up, before Ezra and Kanan did so as well, before the Jedi started up the shuttle! But as they did Ezra frowned, his mind still thinking about what Ahsoka had said earlier, as well as a conversation Anakin and Obi-Wan had about his Padawan's future...

Ahsoka: I know why you agreed to this mission... But we can do better things with Commander Sato's generators than just hide, Hunter... With what we're up against, we have to be prepared to fight... That means numbers and weapons!

Hunter: That's not the kind of life this kid deserves...

Ahsoka: Our lives are like this because of Ezra!

Omega and Echo: Shhh!!!

Wrecker: Hey, don't scare the kid!

Ahsoka: Taking him off Lothal was the right thing to do, but there are others out there who need our help! We've seen what the Empire is doing throughout the galaxy... We should be doing more...

Obi-Wan: You can't take responsibility for Ahsoka's decision, Anakin...

Anakin: How would you feel if I turned into a major disappointment?"

Anakin: It's precisely the same! You took me under your wing and practically raised me... I'm your Padawan, just like Ahsoka was mine! How well would you sleep knowing I failed you?

Obi-Wan: It's not the same...

Obi-Wan: Not very well, I'd imagine... Luckily, that isn't true and never will be...

Kanan saw the unhappy look on Ezra's face before he and Omega asked what was wrong!

Omega: Ezra?

Kanan: Why so quiet?

Ezra: I heard what Ahsoka said to you and the others before we started training, Omega... You don't have a normal life because of me! And how would you feel if I turned into a major disappointment, Kanan?

Kanan: It's not the same...

Ezra: It's precisely the same! You took me under your wing and practically raised me... I'm your Padawan, just like Ahsoka was my Father's! How well would you sleep knowing that I failed you?

Kanan: Not very well, I'd imagine... Luckily, that isn't true and never will be!

Ezra smiled a little bit, hoping that Kanan's right about that, as the Phantom leaves for Dantooine!

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