Chapter Sixty-Five: Kanan's gift\Was Maul right all those years ago?

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After escaping the Empire's trap, Kanan had moved Ezra to his room, who was still out cold from his mind passing out earlier, due to his visions about Anakin and Vader! Kanan stared at his unconscious student, who laying on his bed! He was still waiting for Ezra to wake so that Kanan could ask the kid what was wrong...

Kanan: Come on, find your way out Ezra... Come back to us!

Slowly but gently, Ezra started to come to!

Ezra: (Groans) Oh! (Slowly opens his eyes when he sees that it's his Master!) K-Kanan?

Ezra swung his legs off the bed but as he moved to stand up, but swayed a little bit! Kanan helped him up by steadying him, his hands gently pressed on his shoulders!

Kanan: Take it easy, Ezra... Calm down, it's okay... You're safe!

Ezra: (Sighs with Relief that they're safe for now!) Sorry!

Kanan smiled a little bit, gently brushing the locks of the kid's back, relieved that Ezra is awake!

Kanan: You okay, kid?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah... I-I think so! What happened?

Kanan: That's what I was gonna ask you! Me and Ahsoka were trying to find who the lone Imperial Pilot was, and after you told us that it was the Sith Lord that attacked us on Lothal! Both you and Ahsoka screamed in horror before both of you passed out!

Ezra turned away in sadness, not knowing what to believe about Anakin's true fate anymore!

Ezra: Well... I kept seeing images and hearing voices of my father's pain and suffering before blacked out! The only voice that was familiar to me was my twin sister's, back when she was young!

Kanan saw the unhappy look on Ezra's face, knowing that the kid is conflicted about what happened to his Father again!

Kanan: Wait... You don't actually believe that Anakin is evil like Vader and Kaitis told us, right?

Ezra sighed, he just didn't know what to believe anymore!

Ezra: Well... One part of me believes that my Father could never be the one responsible for killing so many people, Kaitis's Master, yours, and Eldra's! But... Well... I just don't know what to believe anymore!

Ezra frowned, before wrapping arms around his knees and himself for a hug! But before Kanan could offer some comfort or advice about his student's conflicted feelings, they were interrupted by Hera!

Hera: Kanan, Ezra! Ahsoka and Eldra wants to speak with you two...

The two of them looked at each other before they shrugged their shoulders, unsure of what they wanted to talk to them about! In the cockpit, Ahsoka was mediating with Eldra, trying to regain her strength from the ordeal she had literally just had! Suddenly, the ex-Jedi opened her eyes when she heard the door swing open, revealing that Kanan and Ezra had just entered!

Kanan: Ahsoka, Hera said you wanted to speak with us?

Ahsoka: Please, come in!

Ezra frowned, remembering that she had passed out like he had!

Ezra: Are you okay?

Ahsoka: I am, thank you... And you?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah, I-I'll be fine!

Kanan helped Ezra gently sit down in his seat before Eldra asked about the Sith Lord that her brother and friend encountered back on Lothal!

Ahsoka: Me and Ahsoka wanted to ask about the Sith Lord you two encountered back on Lothal!

Kanan frowned, remembering that their encounter with Vader was much worse than the Grand Inquisitor or Kaitis ever was!

Kanan: You know we encountered an Inquisitor before, but this was nothing like that... The fear, the anger, the hate... You and Ezra both felt it! And me and Eldra haven't sensed a presence like that since...

Ezra and Eldra both saw the slight hesitation in their friend's voice and eyes before Ahsoka finished Kanan's sentence for him!

Ahsoka: The Clone Wars...

Kanan: Yeah...

Ezra placed a comforting hand on his Master's arm so that the Jedi wouldn't get caught up in the memories of what happened to his Master again! Eldra turned to her Jedi friend, wanting to know if Ahsoka knows who or what he is!

Eldra: Ahsoka, do you know who or what he is?

Ahsoka frowned, she doesn't know... She knows that her Master could never be as vile as him! But what she does know for sure is that Vader and Kaitis will both be coming for them, they all be coming now!

Ahsoka: No, I don't... But I do know that he will be coming... They'll all be coming now!

Eldra frowned, knowing that they will be ready to fight!

Eldra: Then we've got to be ready to fight!

Ezra: A wise girl once told me that sometimes you must find the strength to fight, but the greater courage is knowing when not to fight!

Kanan smiles, knowing Ezra has really taken his adoptive older sister's advice to heart just as Hera and the others came in!

Hera: And we'll be beside you either way!

Kanan smiled at the others as Minister Tua looked at Ezra, causing him to realize that it is her first time in space! 

Ezra: Your first time in space?

Minister Tua: First time anywhere! Oh, Ezra... You truly are a Jedi!

Ezra smiles before Kanan hands his student a very special gift!

Kanan: Here...

Ezra: What is it?

Kanan: Open it!

Ezra opens up the small brown box, revealing the gift to be a blue small shaped cube!

Kanan: It's a Jedi Holocron, it's something that my Master gave to me right before I lost her, and I want you to have it!

Ezra smiled shyly at Kanan's gift before the Jedi offered the advice he wanted to give his student before Ahsoka and Eldra wanted to talk to them!

Kanan: Hey, Ezra... I know that today was overealming with learning more about Anakin's fate... And to be completely honest, if it were with me and my past, I can't say that I wouldn't be feeling the same way! But you learning the actual truth about your real parents and your real twin siblings is a long time away... Just know that when that time comes no matter what you decide, me and the Crew will be right here with you!

Sabine: We support you... We're family!

Ezra smiles, knowing that Kanan and the others will always be there for him when he needs them the most!

Ezra: Thank you for supporting my choice to return to Lothal and help Minister Tua...

Kanan: Hey... You've got it!

Eldra: Strap in, Tua... You're not gonna wanna miss this view!

As Hera made the jump to hyperdrive, Minister Tua smiled at Eldra as the beautiful streaks of lightspeed appeared in the reflection of their eyes! As Ezra smiled at Kanan with her blue holocron in hand, Ahsoka frowned... She knew that things between her and Vader were not over, far from it actually! Which left a very important question: Was Maul right all those years ago?

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