Chapter Sixty-One: Barely lucky enough to even survive/No disintegrations...

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On their Shuttle in hyperspace so that their Fleet of Star Destroyers wouldn't blast them to bits, everyone sat on the benches, with two injured Crew members, and a shaken up one who was almost killed by his own Weapon! As Hera tended to Sabine, she asked Zeb to make sure that the Empire didn't follow them!

Hera: Zeb, make sure they can't track us!

Zeb nods, already on it!

Zeb: Consider it done!

As Zeb walks off to join Chopper to make sure that the Empire didn't them follow, Sabine took off her helmet! The pilot put her hands around her friend's shoulders, asking if she is alright!

Hera: You all right?

Sabine sighed, thanks to her armor she will live!

Sabine: (Sighs) Yeah, I'll live...

Hera turned to Kanan, who was sitting with Ezra as he put a hand over his injured shoulder! She wanted answers on who or what was that!

Ezra: Kanan, what was that? Another Inquisitor?

Kanan: No... Something worse!

Ezra: What?

Kanan: A Sith Lord... The ancient enemy of the Jedi!

Crosshair: Wait! The Sith Lord as in Darth Vader, the one that you saw in your Force trance on our way here?!

Sabine: And the one who probably forced the Minister to escape whatever punishment the Empire had in store for her, which was what caused her to ask for our help in the first place?!

Minster Tua and Ezra frowned, yes that's the one!

Minster Tua: Yes Sabine, that's the one! 

Ezra: Yes Crosshair, that's the one!

Crosshair: How do we fight him?

Ezra and the Minister looked at the former Clone, they were barely lucky enough to survive!

Minister Tua: Fight him? Whoa, hold up! In case you're still recovering from barely being killed by my former troopers, maybe we should focus on getting off Lothal first, then worry about dealing with Vader if he ever runs into us again in the future!

Ezra: Yeah! Not to mention the fact that he almost killed me with my own lightsaber, and two of my best friends were badly hurt by him!

Kanan agreed with the Minister and his student, terrified that he almost lost Ezra to someone who was far worse than the Grand Inquisitor ever was!

Kanan: They're right, Crosshair! We were barely lucky enough lucky to even survive!

Hera knew that they had to get back to Phoenix Squadron quickly!

Hera: Then that settles it, I'm going to make for orbit so we can jump away!

But Ezra thinks that's a bad idea! 

Ezra: Hera, no! He will have a blockade of Destroyers waiting for us!

Kanan agreed with the kid, knowing that this shuttle barely has any weapons or shields!

Kanan: And this shuttle is slow, with barely any weapons or shields!

Luckily, Minister is one step ahead of them!

Minister Tua: Not if you stay in hyperspace until you reach Phoenix Squadron!

Sabine agrees with her, knowing that the Empire can't blast them to bits if they're in hyperspace!

Sabine: Uh... She's right! We can mask our escape that way! Impressive shot back there, where'd you learn to do that?!

Minister Tua: I don't know... I never fired a blaster before! I guess I got lucky...

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