Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine: Follow the Purrgil?/Hera's reasons...

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Later in the Cockpit, Sabine told everyone where the fighters came from!

Sabine: Those fighters were Mining Guild... They must be from the refinery!

Ezra frowned, before asking if Sabine can track where they came from!

Ezra: Hmm... Do you think you can track where they came from?

Sabine nods with uncertainty, before telling the kid to give her a minute!

Sabine: Maybe... Just give me a minute, kid!

Ezra nodded, no hurry here!

Ezra: Take your time, no hurry here!

Kanan smirked, repeating what he said earlier to Hera!

Kanan: As I was saying, it's a good thing we didn't waste energy shooting at the Purrgils!

Hera rolled her eyes at him, she heard Kanan the first time!

Hera: I heard you the first time!

Ezra rolled his eyes fondly, knowing that their bickering is almost like Anakin and Padme's funny banter moments from what Eldra told him as a kid! Just then, Kanan noticed that something was up!

Kanan: Something's happening...

Ezra looked and saw that the Purrgil were turning around, knowing that something was up!

Ezra: They're turning around... I think we should follow them!

Hera didn't think that was a good idea, before asking Sabine if she had found out where the new Fighters came from yet!

Hera: Following them is the last thing we should do! Sabine, did you find out where the fighters came from yet?

Luckily, Sabine did find out before Hera asked her what their heading was!

Sabine: I did!

Hera: Good! What's our heading?

However, Sabine's answer surprises both Hera and Ezra as well!

Sabine: Follow the Purrgil!

Hera and Ezra: What?!

Sabine explains to everyone that the Purrgils are headed right where she calculated where the New Fighters came from!

Sabine: Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but the Purrgil are heading right where I calculated those fighters came from!

Zeb rolled his eyes, pretending to be interesting!

Zeb: That's so interesting...

However, Ezra and Kanan both knew that had to be more than just than a mere coincidence!

Ezra: I don't know, buddy... Something tells me that them being here along with us getting Fuel and Supplies has to be more than just a coincidence!

Kanan: Normally I would agree with you on these kinds of things, Hera, but I have to agree with both Sabine and Ezra this time!

Seeing that her Three Crew Members make a good point, Hera decided that they should follow the Purrgils!

Hera: All right... I guess for now we follow the Purrgils!

Zeb couldn't believe it while Sabine and Kanan smiled at each other, as Ezra tried to remain optimistic!

Zeb: What?!

Sabine: Yes!

Kanan: You heard her!

Ezra: Hey... For what it's worth, I've got a good feeling about this!

Zeb: How can you be so postive about this?

Ezra: I'm being optimistic! One of us may as well be!

Kanan chuckled as Hera told everyone to turn off everything in their Cabins that are Power Appliances so that they can save every bit of Fuel that they can get!

Kanan: (Chuckles)

Hera: Go check your cabins. Make sure everything is switched off! We've gotta save every little bit of fuel...

Kanan: (Sighs) Whatever you say, Captain Hera!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: Come on, big guy...

Sabine, Kanan, and Chopper all do so, with Zeb complaining of how it's colder back there!

Zeb: (Groans) But it's colder back there!

As everyone else leaves, Ezra has a talk with Hera about her animosity Issues about over the Purrgils...

Ezra: I never imagined there were creatures in deep space...

Hera: Me neither... When I was young, I was told amazing stories of creatures that lived in the stars... Traveled between the worlds! Old pilots said it was the Purrgils who inspired us to jump from system to system... But I don't believe it! The purrgil are dangerous... They wander into hyperspace lanes, crash into ships! I've lost more than one friend that way...

Ezra frowned, maybe that the Purrgils are unaware of the harm they are causing!

Ezra: Well, maybe they don't realize they're putting people in danger! Maybe it's like Kanan says, you know... They just do what they do!

Hera knew that the kid had a good point like Kanan did, but just as long they don't come between her and her mission, it doesn't matter what they do!

Hera: Right now, as long as they don't come between me and my mission, I really don't care what they do!

Ezra shrugged, fair enough!

Ezra: Fair enough...

As Ezra left the room, Hera prays that the Purrgils really are unaware of the harm they've been causing all these Years, not wanting to lose another friend like she has in the past! Little did she know that Ezra was seeing the Purrgils from both hers and Kanan's points of view!

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