Chapter Twenty-Three: Never Give up Hope!

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It had been only a few days since Empire Day, and Ezra was learning to heal from what happened between him, Kaitis, and the Grand Inquisitor. Right now, the boy was sleeping in his and Zeb's room out cold for some reason. All of a sudden, Ezra found himself in a crystalline room. The kid knew this place all too well, unfortunately... He always had terrible visions of Kanan and the others disliking him as Kaitis had done...

Zeb: How do you figure the kid's doing?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Hera: I gotta agree with Chop. I don't think Ezra was ready. I don't think we'll be seeing him again, which is too bad...

Zeb: Really? 'Cause I'll be happy just to get my cabin back to myself!

Hera: It's too bad because he had skills that were useful to our cause!

Zeb: (Laughs) Knew there was a reason you were being so nice to him!

Sabine: That's pretty cold, guys. After all, he's just a little kid, scared, alone. Me? I pity him...

Kanan: You don't understand, they're dangerous... They could... You weren't there, you weren't even born!

Ezra took a deep calming breath, knowing that Kanan and the others would never say that...

Ezra: There's always a way out if I follow my training. Afraid of being alone again? Sure. Afraid of letting down my Master? Absolutely!

Grand Inquisitor: Your Master lies dead and rotting in a forgotten tunnel. You could hardly have let him down more.

Ezra: No... I'm not afraid... And Kanan would never. He's a good Master, a great Master!

But the kid had gotten rid of the nightmares since Empire Day, so... Why was he back here? Suddenly, he heard a soft and gentle female voice that was similar to both Hera's and Mira's that was right behind him!

???: Hey...

Ezra turned around to see a young woman who was in her mid-20s, standing right behind him!

Ezra: Hi... Wait? A Force Ghost, and... Who are you supposed to be? Do I know you or something?

The young woman chuckled a little bit, surprised that the kid hasn't heard of her before!

Depa Billaba: I am Master Depa Billaba, although I am a bit shocked that you don't know who I am, youngling... Considering that you do know my old Padawan!

Ezra's eyes blinked in confusion, before remembering Kanan's stories of his Master when he was around Ezra's age!

Ezra: Oh yeah! Now I remember you, you're Kanan's Master!

Depa Billaba: (Chuckles) Yes, but I knew him under a different name!

Ezra: Let me take a wild guess: even though you are dead, the reason that you're here is because...

Both: The Force works in mysterious ways! 

Ezra: I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything Master, but I don't think that I ever understood the Force to begin with!

The two of them chuckled, Depa knew that Ezra was Anakin's Son and Kanan's Padawan!

Depa Billaba: While you truly are Anakin's Son and your Master's Padawan, I can sense that there is something bothering you...

Ezra sighed, before sitting cross-legged on the floor like Kanan had taught him during his meditation classes with him, gently rubbing his arm nervously!

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