Chapter Seventy-Two: Where I Fit.../Heading for the Garel System!

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Later that day, Kanan and the others were getting ready to go! Vos had come to see them as well, as Rex was saying goodbye to Wolffe and Gregor!

Captain Rex: What's gonna happen to them?

Ezra: I don't know... But I will keep fighting for the Clones and Lothal... You all deserve the same rights as every citizen! I won't give up... 

Commander Gregor: If you need anything, Rex... Just say the word! Kid... 

Vos comes over to them, as Wolfee placed a gentle hand on his friend's arm!

Commander Wolffe: Wherever you end up, remember what we said!

Quinlan nods as Kanan looked at Rex and Ezra, who both simply both shrugged at him... They were just as confused as he was at what that meant! Gregor playfully shoved Quinlan's shoulder, warning for both him and Rex to not get into too much trouble with him or Wolffe!

Commander Gregor: Heh! Don't get into trouble without us, General...The both of you!

Ezra becomes confused, wondering what the crazy clone meant by that!

Ezra: Without you? 

Commander Wolfee: Best of luck, Captain... General! 

Ezra stepped forward, confused on what he needed luck with!

Ezra: Luck with what?

Quinlan Vos: I'm going with you, Ezra... I thought about what your Padawan said about joining you guys if I felt like it was my place, Kanan so... I'm coming back with you guys! The Jedi and the Clones will need our help now more than ever... I can't turn my back on them!

Sabine seems a bit unsure, knowing that he would also be leaving his Squad as well!

Sabine: You... You can't leave! You're... You're a squad!

Quinlan Vos: Sabine, this is something I have to do... I'm going where I'm needed!

Ahsoka: But they need you too!

Quinlan Vos: It's not forever! I'll still be in touch...

Kanan could see that Quinlan was certain about this!

Kanan: You sure?

Quinlan Vos: I'm sure... Besides, I'm pretty that Ezra's adoptive sister, who also happens to be my former Padawan would be devastated and heartbroken if she found out that I was alive after all these Years and didn't come back with you guys!

Ahsoka smirked, seeing that her old friend had a good point! As Quinlan goes over to join them, Wolffe and Gregor placed a proud and peaceful hand on Ezra's shoulders!

Commander Gregor: Wherever you end up, remember what Wolfee and Rex said about Kanan! It's the honorable thing to do... It's what your Father and Mother would've wanted!

Ezra looked at Kanan, agreeing with that statement!

Commander Wolfee: Keep up with your Jedi training while Quinlan is gone with you, huh? Understood? 

Gently but slowly, Ezra gave Wolffe a goodbye hug! Shocked at the rare gesture, Wolffe returned the hug... And for the first time since Order 66, Wolffe smiled! Gregor, Quinlan, Ashoka, Crosshair, Kanan, and Rex watched and all smiled gently at Ezra's kindness... Ezra really had the compassion of his Mother, and well... They all know what his Father was like! Ezra stepped away from the hug, gently wiping his tears away from his eyes while bravely nodding his head yes!

Ezra: Yes, Sir...

Wolffe smiled before looking at Ahsoka, Quinlan, Crosshair, and Rex, silently asking Ezra to keep an eye on them for him and Gregor!

Commander Wolffe: Keep an eye on them!

Ezra nods as he runs towards Ahsoka's arms, before getting onto the Phantom! As the shuttle takes off and they go to meet up with Hera and Chopper on the Ghost, hoping that Chopper's has been repaired and cleaned up... Ezra looks out the window of the Phantom, before waving goodbye to Wolffe and Gregor as they left the System! The two of them waved goodbye as well until Ezra was out of sight! Rex placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder while smiling, proving that some things never change!

Captain Rex: Just like the good old days...

On the Ghost, Hera and Chopper had just finished up the repairs on the Ghost!

Hera: Finally! All fixed up, and just in time for the others to get back Chopper!

Just then, Kanan and the others climbed out of the Phantom!

Kanan: We're back!

Rex climbs out of the Phantom, seeing Hera was in the cockpit!

Captain Rex: And who might you be?

Kanan: Oh! Right, sorry! Rex. this is Hera Syndulla, our Captain and Pilot of the Ghost!

Hera: Captain Rex, it is an honor!

Captain Rex: Charmed, I'm sure! Aren't you Eleni and Cham Syndulla's daughter?

Hera nods, it wasn't her mother's passing or her Father's abossession with Ryloth that made her leave!

Hera: Yes, sir! They were my parents, sir! And this is my Droid, Chopper!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Quinlan climbed out as Ezra pulled him out, before asking Ezra why Hera didn't come with the kid and the others to Seelos!

Quinlan Vos: You mind telling me why Hera and her Droid didn't come with you to help Ahsoka find Rex?

Ezra: Do you want the long version or the short version?

Quinlan Vos: Uh, short?

Ezra: Chopper basically forgot to fix the hyperdrive after our last escape with the Empire and forgot to tell Hera until we got all the way here, and Hera had to stay behind to help clean up his mess!

Quinlan Vos: Oh! Right, got it...

Chopper beeped in annoyance, saying that he is right here!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: I know!

Sabine: We know!

Ezra: Hera, I want you to meet Eldra's old Master, Jedi Knight Master Quinlan Vos!

Quinlan Vos: A pleasure...

Hera: Charmed, I'm sure! And just in time too! Your old Padawan has discovered a planet where we can lay low until we can find a base!

Quinlan Vos: Wait? You talked to Eldra?! When?!

Hera: A few hours ago... She said that we can lay low on the Garel System until we can find an actual base! But since it has Imperial Forces on it, Sabine has to make that Zeb doesn't cause any unwanted attention!

Zeb frowned, groaning at Hera for putting Sabine on watch duty with him!

Zeb: What?!

Sabine smirked, knowing that Zeb is the most wanted of them by the Empire out of them all!

Sabine: You heard her!

Hera shakes her head at the two of them, before setting a course for Garel! Ezra smiles, knowing that Vos is not gonna want to miss this view!

Ezra: Strap in, Quinlan... You're not gonna wanna miss this view!

Vos takes his seat beside Hera, as the Pilot warmed up the hyperdrive! As the old Jedi Knight saw the beautiful light of hyperdrive reflected in his eyes and made the jump to hyperspace, Vos smiled at Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra... Whatever inner demons the five of them faced out there in Galaxy in their fight against the Empire... They knew that as long as they had each other, they wouldn't have to face it alone!

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