Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two: A warm Breakfast.../Parental comfort!

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Later that morning, Zeb had woken up and Sabine had told him about the terrible news that Ezra had shared with her and Chopper! And believe me, Zeb was just as upset and angry at Kaitis even more than he ever was!

Zeb: How's he taking it?

Sabine: As you'd expect... We both knew Ezra might not get the news he hoped he would about his adoptive parents! I'll get us some Hot Chocolate...

Just then, Ezra came into the room as Sabine made him some hot chocolate with some peppermint and cinnamon in it! Ezra frowned seeing Zeb was up, as the Lasat placed a comforting hand on the saddened boy's shoulder, hating to see the young boy so upset as much as Sabine and Chopper did!

Ezra: Hey, Zeb...

Zeb: Hey... Sabine and Chopper told me about what happened! Sorry, kid...

Sabine: Hey, at least now you know...

Ezra: Yeah... I guess I just need some time...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried)

Sabine brought Ezra the hot chocolate as well as some blueberry waffles for them to eat for breakfast, before asking Zeb and Chopper to go and pick up some supplies this morning... She couldn't face any Stormtroopers right now after what Kaitis did to Ezra already this early in the morning!

Sabine: Zeb, do you mind going and picking up the supplies right now? I don't feel like leaving Ezra alone to deal with inner demons without Hera or Kanan to help him get through it right now!

Zeb nodded, understanding that Sabine the first person to offer Ezra a place on the Ghost when they first met next to Kanan and Hera!

Zeb: Okay... Come on, Chopper... Let the kids have a few moments alone!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried)

He and the Droid sadly left the ship, as Sabine handed Ezra his cup of hot chocolate, knowing that Hera always made it for her to help make her feel better when she was upset during one of her moments when she first joined the Crew... 

Sabine: Here you go, Ezra... Hot chocolate with some Peppermint and Cinnamon?

Ezra: Huh? Thanks... I'd love some! 

Ezra gently took a sip from the warm drink as he sniffed the warm steam from the waffles, bittersweetly thanking Sabine for her support that she trying to give him to help with his sadness...

Ezra: Hmmm... Thanks, Sabine!

Sabine smiled gently at the young boy, anytime no matter what the Empire throws at him!

Sabine: Anytime!

Meanwhile, Hera and Kanan were in the common room trying to find a viable location for a base thanks to Rex Intel and Ezra's help! Unfortunately, Hera knew that they had already checked these systems and they weren't close a viable location enough for the base!

Hera: No, no. We've checked these systems... There's nothing close to a viable location for a base!

Kanan smirked at Hera being picky while the Pilot knew that sometimes she had to be, as they had another their lovely banter moments!

Kanan: Maybe you're just being picky...

Hera: Maybe I have to be....

Just then, Kanan heard that Sabine and Ezra were up!

Kanan: Shhh! Hold that thought!

Hera: But I--

Kanan: No, i'm serious! Be quiet!

Hera gently placed a worried on Kanan's shoulder, asking her friend what was the matter now!

Hera: What is it?

Kanan got up from his seat before going to find his student and Sabine, Hera followed quickly behind him! When the two of them found Sabine and Ezra in the dining room, Kanan and Hera could both see that Ezra was upset! After finishing up his hot drink and his warm breakfast, Ezra gently asked Sabine if he could have a moment with his Master right now!

Ezra: Sabine, could I have a minute with my Master, please?

Sabine nodded gently, she knew how close the two of them, considering that Kanan and Ezra understood each other's dark pasts perfectly more than anyone on the Ghost and in Phoenix Squadron did!

Sabine: Okay...

Letting Ezra go, Kanan placed his hands on the kid's shoulders in a comforting manner, before he asked his student what was wrong since he knew that Zeb and Chopper were both out getting the supplies right now!

Kanan: Alright kid, what's going on?

Ezra finally gathered the courage to look into Kanan's eyes, trying to get the words across without breaking down into tears again!

Ezra: Mira and Ephraim are gone! (Sighs) (Sobs) They're gone...

Hera and Kanan realized the awful truth as Kanan pulled his student into a gentle hug, feeling terrible now that Kaitis's stupid vendetta has gone too far now! Seeing that Sabine was just as angry and upset at Kaitis as she and Kanan are, Hera gently goes over to hug the young Mandalorian! As Ezra gently sobbed into Kanan's chest, he remembered the bitter words of his and Kaitis argument about the Empire and the Jedi Order being different from each other!

Young Kaitis: This is what happens when you let a kid call the shots...

Young Eldra: That kid saved your life, unlike the Empire who left you for dead!

Young Kaitis: That's your problem, Sister... You take things too personally!

Young Ezra: Hey! Where ya' goin', Kaitis?

Young Kaitis: What's it matter? I'm clearly replaceable! Who cares where I go?! Eldra, you, Mom, and Dad all made the wrong choice!

Young Ezra: Don't fool yourself... All you'll ever be to them if you ever join the Empire is a name as an Inquisitor and number!

Ezra sighed, knowing that he might never find it in heart to forgive him or still trust him again after this mess like Sabine did with Ketsu a few weeks ago even after she left Sabine for dead...

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