Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five: Losing more Pilots.../ A tenuous reunion!

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On a mission, Hera and Zeb were transferring cargo from the Ghost into a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, while being pursued by an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer and its TIE Fighters escorts... Hera quickly tells Zeb to hurry up, wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible!

Hera: Hurry up, Zeb!

Zeb frowned, steady as he tried to hurry it up!

Zeb: Steady, steady...

Zeb finally loads the shipment, much to Commander Sato's relief!

Commander Sato: Cargo transfer complete... Thanks, Phoenix Squadron!

Zeb nods, before telling Hera to get them out of here!

Zeb: Transport's clear... Let's get out of here!

But as Hera tries to make the jump to hyperspace, one of Phoenix Squadron Pilots, Phoenix Two is in trouble! One of the Star Destroyer's laser shots hit Phoenix Two's A-Wing Star Fighter, sustaining damage to his hyperdrive, making him unable to make the jump to hyperspace like everyone else!

Phoenix-Two: Phoenix Leader, my hyperdrive is damaged! Attempting to dock!

Hera tells him to make it quick since those Fighters are closing in really fast!

Hera: Make it quick, Phoenix Two... Those fighters are closing in!

Phoenix Two tries to dock with the Ghost, but is hit by enemy fire, causing Phoenix Squadron to lose another Pilot to the Empire in the process! Hera shook her head from the terrible tragedy that just happened before her eyes, before making the jump to hyperspace!

Hera: Phoenix Two is gone... We have to jump now!

The Ghost and the rest of the Fleet made the jump to lightspeed! Safely in Hyperspace in the cockpit of the Ghost, Wrecker, Omega, Hunter, and Ezra all came in to hear Hera and Kanan talking to Commander Sato over a hologram, while Sabine had fallen fast asleep in one of the Seats! Hera explained the bad news to Sato, knowing that their Squadron was at half-strength now, losing their Pilots faster than they could replace them and not just losing their Fighters now! They need somewhere to land their Fighters until they can find a base for them!

Hera: At best, our squadron is at half strength... We're not just losing fighters, we're losing pilots faster than we can replace them! Until we can find a base, we need somewhere to land our fighters...

Luckily, Commander Sato had a theory of how they could solve both their problems at once!

Commander Sato: Perhaps we can solve two problems at once! A Rebel Cell has reported an Imperial carrier over their world... If we can steal that ship, we can use it to house all our fighters! This cell is located in the Ryloth system...

Hera frowned, The only bad news was that she knew which Cell that the Commander was talking about, and Hera and one of its Members of the Rebel Cell over her Home Planet of Ryloth had not been on good terms the last few years since she left!

Hera: Ryloth? I know the cell you're talking about! I'll contact them...

As the hologram of Commander Sato faded and Hera got up from her seat, Kanan, Omega, Hunter, and even Wrecker seemed a little bit confused for their friend, surprised that she was actually gonna talk to him?

Hunter: Hera, wait!

Wrecker: Are you sure?

Omega: Wrecker and Hunter are right, Hera! You haven't seen him in years!

Kanan: They all have a good point, Hera... You're actually gonna talk to him?

While Hera appreciated everyone's concern for her, she knew that they didn't have much of a choice since they needed that carrier really bad!

Hera: I don't think we have much choice... We need that carrier!

As Hera left, Ezra was confused about what was wrong with Ryloth!

Ezra: I'm sorry, but I'm confused... What's wrong with Ryloth?

Wrecker frowned, not sure if Ezra should be here for this conversation!

Wrecker: Can we talk to Kanan please, alone?

Ezra frowned, refusing to do so!

Ezra: No! Whatever you have to say, you... You can say to both of us!

Hunter agreed, before asking Wrecker to take Sabine back to her room to rest!

Hunter: Fine... Wrecker, do mind taking Sabine back to her room to rest?

Wrecker sighed as he picked up Sabine, carrying her over his shoulders... He trusted Hera and the others but mark his words, this will end badly!

Wrecker: (Sighs) Fine! Come on, Sabine... Boy, you're getting heavy! But mark my words, this will end badly!

As the two of them left, Ezra repeated his question again!

Ezra: Okay, okay, okay... Somebody needs to tell me what's going on here!

Kanan frowned before he gave his Student the short version of Hera's problem!

Kanan: Do you want the long version or the short version?

Ezra: Uh, short?

Kanan: The Leader of the Ryloth Rebels happens to be a Clone Wars Legend Hero of Ryloth and is also Hera's Father, Cham Syndulla... Who she still has an estranged relationship with even after meeting Omega and the others when she was little!

Hunter and Omega frowned at each other, knowing that this Homecoming wouldn't be a pleasant one!

Omega: Oh... Sorry, poor Hera!

Hunter: Well this Homecoming won't be a pleasant one, that's for sure!

But Ezra on the other hand, sighed with pain and solemness in his heart... His adoptive Brother Kaitis lost his way in this Family... He doesn't want the same for Hera!

Ezra: Hera, Cham... My adoptive brother Kaitis lost his way in this family... I don't want the same for you two!

Later in private, Hera picks up a hologram of her Father, Cham Syndulla himself... Needless to say, Cham was surprised to hear from his Daughter after she left Ryloth so many Years!

Cham: Hera... This is unexpected!

Seeing that Cham did not expect to hear from her, Hera cut quickly to the chase, knowing that they needed to talk!

Hera: Father, we need to talk!

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