Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine: Make it look good.../Betrayed!

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After exiting hyperspace, the Rebel Shuttle approached the Carrier as everyone quickly boards the Stolen TIE Bomber! Cham was in the Cockpit with Kanan and Hera while Gobi and Numa were with the others, as the General told Gobi to get ready for landing! If the Empire was on schedule, then they should be sending their bombers to the surface, which is certain to make the Ship more vulnerable!

Cham: Gobi, get ready for landing... If the Empire is on schedule, they should be sending their bombers to the surface, which will make the ship more vulnerable!

Gobi agree, knowing that they are always on schedule!

Gobi: They're always on schedule...

The Bombers pass by, which Hera saw as she begins to signal the A-Wings to make this landing look good!

Hera: There they go... I'm signaling the A-wings!

Kanan sighed, hoping that this works!

Kanan: Let's hope this works... 

Cham shushed him, as his Daughter presses the Comlink button, using her cover story as A-Wings fire at them for it!

Cham: Shush!

(Comlink Beeps)

Hera: Bomber pilot to carrier, we are under attack by rebel fighters! Request permission for emergency landing!

The Imperial Officer overheard their Hera's cover cry for help, before asking her to transmit her clearance code!

Imperial Officer 2: Incoming bomber, transmit your clearance code!

Hera does so, as the Rebel Captain hits the Bomber's engines in order to make the landing look good!

Hera: Code is 7-2-5... Ahh!

The Officer saw that they were hit, before asking them to proceed to Bay Two!

Imperial Officer 2: Proceed to Bay Two! We'll cover you...

The Rebel Captain saw Hera and the others could handle the rest, before he and the other A-Wings disappear into hyperspace!

Imperial Officer 2: Rebels have fled!

But Hera tried to steer the coming in hot Bomber towards Bay 2, Kanan told her that she might consider slowing down!

Hera: We've been hit! Coming in hot!

Kanan: Might consider slowing down!

Hera frowned, she knew that this landing has to look before everybody else to hang on tight!

Hera: This has to look good... Hang on!

Zeb rolled his eyes with Ezra and the others, he hates it when she says that!

Zeb: I hate it when she says that!

As the TIE Bomber crashed in Bay Two, the Imperial Officer asked to get a Squad down to initiate Crash Protocols!

Imperial Officer 2: Get a squad down there... Initiate crash protocols!

Stormtrooper Commander: Yes, sir!

In Bay 2 aboard the crashed TIE Bomber, Ezra, Zeb, and Captain Howzer all got up, they all have had better landings!

Ezra: (Groans) Zeb, you and the others okay?

Zeb: (Coughs) I think so...

Captain Howzer: Yeah, yeah, we're okay! (Sighs) That was one of Hera's better crashes!

Ezra: Captain Howzer, you know that Hera never crashes, she has very...

Captain Howzer: Very exciting landings, I know!

However, their lovely banter moment was interrupted by Sabine, who noticed that something was very wrong!

Sabine: OK, excuse me... I hate to interrupt this lovely banter here...

Ezra: But?

Sabine: I think that we have a little bit of a problem!

Ezra: Say what?!

The three Members of the Ghost Crew saw that a bag that was filled with explosives had fell over, when the TIE Bomber had crashed! Ezra turned to Sabine, asking if those were hers!

Zeb: Explosives?!

Ezra: I assume that those aren't your little explosive surprise presents that you usually have on all our Mission together, Sabine?

Sabine: No, no... Hera told me not to bring any this time, kid!

Eldra: So, wait? If those Explosives aren't Sabine's, then who's are they?

But before anyone else could say anything, Numa stunned Zeb with her Blaster, knocking him out cold, much to the other's concern!

(Blaster Fire)

Zeb: (Groans)

All Four: Zeb!

Numa: Sorry, my friends!

Numa quickly stuns both Eldra, Sabine, causing Ezra to call them traitors very angrily!

(Blaster Fire)

Eldra: What? (Groans)

(Blaster Fire)

Sabine: (Groans) 

Ezra: Traitors! 

But before Ezra could reach for his custom-built Blaster/Lightsaber, Gobi was already reaching for Blaster that set to stun as well! As he aimed at Hunter, Omega, Ezra and even Captain Howzer, the Captain told him not to do it!

Captain Howzer: No, wait!

Bu Gobi didn't listen, stunning all four of them out cold!

(Blaster Fire)

In the Cockpit part of the TIE Bomber, Kanan and Hera had both woken up to the sound of Ezra and the others screaming and Blaster Fire being Shot!

Hera: What was that?!

Kanan: I just heard shots!

But before Kanan could go and check to see if Ezra and the others were okay, Cham stunned both Chopper and Kanan, shutting him down and knocking him out as well!

(Blaster Fire)

Chopper: (Chopper Screaming Beeps)

Kanan: Aah!

After seeing Kanan, Chopper, and the rest of her friends stunned by Cham and the others, Hera demanded to know what her Father was doing!

Hera: Ahh! Father, what are you doing?!

Hera didn't have a chance to defend herself as Cham stunned her out cold as well, but not before she heard her Father's words as she was knocked out cold!

(Blaster Fire)

Hera: Ahh!

Cham: We only needed your help to get on board... I'm sorry!

It turns Cham only agreed to the mission so that they could proceed on his original mission to blow up the fighter carrier! But Captain Howzer was the only of them who didn't want any part of it! But after exiting the ship before Cham and the others could go anywhere, some Stormtroopers found them and started blasting at them!

Stormtrooper Commander: Pilot... Hey! Drop your weapon! Hands up! 

Stormtrooper Deck Officer: Freeze! Don't move!

After quickly overpowering the Imperial containment party, Cham told the others to spilt up!

Cham: Set your charges on the munitions racks... I'm going for the engine room!

The two of them nodded, before going their separate ways! But the only question was, will his thirst for revenge—and fractured relationship with his daughter—cost the rebels a victory?!

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