Chapter One Hundred and Four: Extreme Torture.../Rex's Protocol!

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In Ezra's cell aboard Titus's Star Destroyer, the boy was being held in a more Imperial secure Torture Chamber than the ones that he and Kanan were held in the past! Suddenly, Kaitis and the Seventh Sister entered the room, with the female Jedi Hunter holding Ezra's lightsaber!

Ezra: Like Kanan said, it's never a fair fight! 

Seventh Sister: You handle a lightsaber well, apprentice...

Ezra: Well, I've got some time, if you wanted a lesson!

The Seventh Sister's mask vanishes, showing her true face to the boy!

Seventh Sister: You have great potential, but perhaps it is I that might teach you, as your master never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight... Did he?

Ezra smirked, knowing that he would just stick with Kanan even if he never completed his own Jedi Training!

Ezra: Maybe not, but he took out the last Inquisitor... So I think I'll just stick with him!

The Seventh Sister activated Ezra's lightsaber before she held it close to Ezra's neck, while some of their enemies see failure, the rest of them see new opportunities!

Kaitis: Yes, the death of the Grand Inquisitor was a surprise to all...

Seventh Sister: Yet, it does present the rest of us with new opportunities... There are many hunting you now, all intent on capturing you and your master, and bringing you to Lord Vader! He did say that he wanted you alive... Does that frighten you?

Ezra scoffs, knowing that if they wanted to do that to him then they would've done it already!

Ezra: (Scoffs) If you were gonna take me to him, you'd have already done it!

Seventh Sister smiled, she has no plans to do that to the boy just yet!

Seventh Sister: Oh really? I have no plans to take you to him! Yet...

Kaitis: Your fear betrays you... 

The Seventh Sister raised her hand, using force torture on Ezra again! Luckily the kid had more experience with keeping his mental shields up thanks to Kanan's training with him, but it still hurts!

Kaitis: (Sighs) Why can you just not cooperate?

Ezra: (Groans)

Seventh Sister: Why do you compel me to inflict pain? You know we'll find the others, so why not just tell me where they are?!

Ezra rolled his eyes at the Sister's claws near his face, knowing that she is like a broken protocol droid!

Ezra: (Groans) Because unlike you, I can shut up! You're like a broken protocol droid!

The Seventh Sister placed a quiet hand on Ezra's mouth... Even though the poor child hides his fear well, Ezra doesn't have the power to protect his friends! 

Seventh Sister: Shh... Hmm... You hide your fear well! Poor child... If only you had the power to protect your friends!

Ezra: Shows what you know! I'm growing more powerful every day!

Seventh Sister: Unfortunately, there's no one left to train you... The Jedi of old are dead!

Ezra: Not all of 'em!

Kaitis smirked, they knows about Ahsoka's existence!

Kaitis: We know about Ahsoka Tano...

Ezra knew that he had to play it cool, not wanting to betray all four of his Jedi friends!

Ezra: Who's Ahsoka Tano?

The Seventh Sister held Ezra's lightsaber in attack position near his neck, knowing Ezra might be pretty and that Vader needs Ezra alive but that doesn't mean he has to be in one piece!

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