Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five: It's bad.../Time for Plan B!

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Back on Commander Sato's Command Ship, Ezra was Lightsaber Training with Kanan in another room, when the kid sensed that something was wrong, he could feel Hera was hurt and that Sabine was scared about something!

Ezra: (Gasps)

Kanan lowered his Lightsaber, seeing that his Student was distressed about something!

Kanan: Huh? What is it, kid? I didn't push you too hard, did I?

Ezra lowered both of his lightsabers before shutting them off, he had a headache and felt dizzy... 

Ezra: No, you didn't, I just... (Groans)

Ezra starts to collapse when Kanan catches him, quickly asking if the kid is feeling unwell worried for his wellbeing!

Kanan: Ezra, are you okay? What's wrong? Are you sick? 

Ezra rubbed his forehead, as Kanan helps him sit down and gives him some water to drink so that he can regain his energy! He feels fine, but... He's got a bad feeling... About Hera and Sabine!

Ezra: I feel fine, Kanan, but... I've got a bad feeling... About Hera and Sabine!

Just then, Minister Tua's voice came in through Kanan's Comlink!

Kanan: Yes?

Minister Tua: Uh, Kanan? You and Ezra might wanna come here fast, we got a distress call from Spectre-5! Whatever you or your Young Student were sensing about her and Captain Syndulla, once thing is for certain... It can't be good!

Ezra frowned at Kanan, knowing that the former Minister was right! As soon as he and Ezra enter the briefing room, Kanan saw Sabine had just exited out of lightspeed, and seemed fine! But Hera wasn't with her which made Sabine nervous, causing Kanan to fear the worst as he pushed a button the Comms System!

Sabine: (Exhales)

Kanan(Over The Comlink): Sabine, what happened? We picked up a distress call! Where's Hera?

Sabine took her helmet, explaining what happened to Hera and the others and how she was barely lucky enough to escape at back there!

Sabine: She was right behind me... Kanan, we didn't have a chance... These Mandalorians work for the Empire, too!

Just then, Hera's half functioning Ship, came out of Hyperspace! When Ezra, Zeb, Omega, The Bad Batch and everyone else saw the terrible state that her Ship was in, everyone was filled with shock and worry! Concerned, Kanan quickly tabbed the button on the Comms System that was connected to the Pilot's barely functioning Ship, hoping that Hera is still alive since Kanan didn't how bad her injuries were as Ezra had sensed they were!

(Comlink Beeping)

Kanan(Over The Comlink): Hera! Hera, can you hear me?

When Sabine's ship was close enough to see through her cockpit window view, she looked through the cockpit window view of Hera's own ship, and boy, it was bad! Sabine gasped in horror as she saw her friend was badly hurt since she was knocked out, with Electricity Crackling from both her engines and Computer Panel, before reporting the damage to Kanan!

Sabine: (Gasps)

(Electricity Crackling)

Sabine: I see her... I see her, Kanan! It's bad!

Ezra starts up the Tractor Beam so that they could pull the girls inside and get Hera some Medical Treatment, as a distressed Sabine called out very upset to a lightly worried Kanan to please hurry!

Sabine(Over The Comlink): You've got to hurry! Please hurry!

Later while Kanan was in Medical Bay with Hera while the Medical Droid did her operation to help stabilize her vital signs and Zeb, Chopper, and Sabine waited outside the room for the news about Hera's condition was, Ezra was trying to come up with a Plan B! As soon as Ezra saw that Hera's injuries were and how Sabine was shaken up by seeing her like this, he knew that getting their new ally and their hyperspace route was going to be tougher than he first thought! If they charge in there by using force and revenge like Sabine's Family would right now, their Fleet would lose a lot more than just a few Pilots and their plan to get both their new ally and hyperspace route! Ezra knew that he couldn't take any more risky chances the way that Zeb did and couldn't chance a another disaster mission as soon as he knew that Hera was okay and Sabine told them what happened back there--Jedi and new Mandalorians these days like him and Sabine didn't just go rushing in without thinking of a plan first like her Family always did!

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