Chapter Eighty-One: Give him some time.../Four stay behind!

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Inside the Ghost, Kanan knocked on the door to Ezra and Zeb's room, he wanted to take his Jedi Training lesson real gentle with him since he knew the kid had enough on his plate at the moment! Luckily, Hera had Sabine do his chores for him so he wouldn't feel pressured than he already is with Ahsoka's cold attitude, which the younger girl did not argue with!

Kanan: Ezra? Are you in there?

The door opened, revealing a sleepy Lasat who knew that there were no Ezras in here!

Zeb: (Yawns) Nope, no Ezras in here!

Zeb closed his door before he went back to sleep! Kanan sighed, confused at where the kid is! Outside the Ghost, Captain Rex was practicing his blaster with Chopper's help when Kanan arrived, asking him if he knew where his student was!

Kanan: Hey, have you or Chopper seen Ezra anywhere this morning, Rex?

Captain Rex: No, he's not doing his Jedi Training with you?

Chopper quickly dropped the Trooper Helmet, worried about the youngest member of the Crew! Kanan shook his head sadly, worried about how Ahsoka's behavior is affecting his kid lately!

Kanan: No... He never skips out or misses Blaster or Jedi Training with us, something's wrong!

As the two talked about Ahsoka's sour behavior and why Ezra was missing, they failed to notice the same sniffing and hiccuping sad boy approaching them! Ezra had been kicking some stones harder than he was capable of when he used to storm off from a fight with Kaitis when he was a kid and had not hurt any ships or anyone... But given the circumstances, Ezra couldn't bring himself to care at the moment! When Ezra was finally in earshot of Chopper and the others, he threw his spare lightsaber onto the ground with as much anger as he could muster!

Ezra: (Anguished Wail!)

Chopper and the guys noticed the anger in Ezra's wail as more cries came from the young boy before Ezra ran off in tears, as his sobs continued! Kanan raised a worried concerned hand in the air, before asking him what the problem was!

Kanan: Ezra? What's wrong? Ezra!

But even though he knew that he, Rex, and even Chopper all meant well, Ezra knew that he couldn't face anyone at the moment, he just needed to be alone right now! As soon as he left, Rex put down his blaster in confusion, he was just as worried about the kid as Kanan was!

Captain Rex: So, what's bothering him?

Kanan: No idea, this is new!

Suddenly, they saw Hunter and Omega rushing after the kid!

Omega: Ahsoka shouldn't have performed that test on the kid, Hunter! Ezra, wait! (Sighs)

Rex seemed a bit upset, wanting to know what pressure the Commander had put on the kid now!

Captain Rex: Okay, okay, okay... Some body needs to tell me, Kanan, and even Chopper what is going on here!

Omega frowned, which version of the story did they want?

Omega: Do you three want the long version or the short version? 

Kanan: Uh, short?

Hunter: Ahsoka thinks Ezra wasn't reaching his true potential as a Jedi so she decided to use the Life and Death test that Anakin used on her when she was little!

Omega: And the kid did not take it well as she did!

Rex and Kanan both frowned at each other, he remembering what the old Clone and the Ex-Jedi had told him about how she was able to survive Order 66 and now saw where Ahsoka was getting it from!

Kanan: Oh!

Captain Rex: Whew, Hera's not gonna believe this!

Inside the Ghost in the common room, Hera was really angry at Ahsoka to say the least!

Hera: I don't believe this! 

Hunter: I tried to talk her out of it Captain as much as Omega did, but as usual she wouldn't listen!

Sabine and Zeb came into the room, Ezra was calming down in the Lasat's shared room with the kid! He and Sabine were just as angry at Ahsoka when a sobbing kid burst into the cabin, explaining to his adoptive Rebel siblings what had happened...

Zeb: Hey guys...

Kanan: Hey Zeb, how's Ezra doing?

Zeb: He wanted to stay in our room...

Sabine: Just give him some time...

Hera: Now where was I? Oh right! By letting him train under difficult terms in Jedi Training, you're only encouraging him not to commit to this life, just as Kaitis did!

Ahsoka: You're not listening to me! If I let Ezra keep doing lousy tests, he will get hurt!

Eldra and Vos stormed in, he's already hurt!


Quinlan placed a comforting hand on his old Padawan's shoulder, trying to ease Eldra's anger and sadness that she had for Ahsoka and Ezra! Seeing that Eldra needed a moment, Kanan took over for her as he tried to explain why Ezra said that he didn't want to be either a Jedi or a soldier once when he was a kid!

Kanan: His own adoptive brother has hurt him more than any test or sword could, you just don't see it because... (Sighs) Well, because he doesn't want you to!

Ahsoka: But you, Sabine, and Hera can?

Sabine: Because the three of us know what is like when people that you love or friends who love and look up to don't believe in you or when they turn on you... 

Hera: (Sighs) When they let you walk away...

Omega knew that her friends, old and new had a point!

Omega: They're right, Ahsoka... Remember how hard and difficult it was for Ezra to trust Kanan and the others?

Kanan sighed, knowing that the young unaltered Clone has a point! Hera realizes that they still have a mission to complete!

Hera: We can debate Ahsoka's choices later! Right now, we need to focus on finding Commander Sato's lost generators!

Everyone was in agreement on that... Well, almost everyone! Omega and Kanan both looked sadly at Ezra's room, unsure about leaving the kid behind... They knew that the kid was so excited about going on the mission! Echo saw the unhappy looks on his friend's faces!

Echo: Kid? Kanan?

Omega: Huh?

Echo: You're worried about Ezra, aren't you?

The two of them nodded silently before Hunter made a suggestion!

Hunter: Why don't you two stay here with Ezra and Chopper while we look for the Commander's lost generators!

Hera: Yeah! You could always take the Phantom to look for them off world!

While Omega feels better at that idea, Kanan frowned at the idea of staying behind before asking Hunter if he is sure!

Kanan: You guys sure?

Hunter and Hera nod at them, saying that they can handle things for now!

Kanan: Okay, thanks for understanding...

Hunter: Don't mention it!

Omega: Don't have too much fun without us!

Wrecker: Same to you, kid! 

Omega and Kanan watched as the others leave, smiling at the way Hunter, Wrecker, and Sabine are getting along!

Hunter: Hey, kid... You ready for this? We move fast!

Sabine: Good... That's the only way that we know how!

Wrecker: (Laughs) I like her, reminds me of Omega and Kanan!

As their voices grew out of earshot, Omega reassured Kanan that Ezra will be fine!

Omega: He'll be fine, Kanan... He just needs a little time!

Kanan nods, that's what he likes to hear!

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