Chapter Twenty Two: Learning To Have Peace

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Ezra felt like the wind had literally been knocked straight out of him as his mind regained consciousness and found himself in Kanan's bedroom as heard Zeb's concerned voice!

Zeb: Kid? Ezra, are you awake?

He opened his eyes to see that everyone but Tseebo and Eldra was in the room smiling at him, relieved that their youngest Crew member is okay! Kanan knelt down beside his Padawan, grateful that Ezra is alive!

Kanan: Hey buddy... You hurt?

Ezra rubs his forehead from his mental torture with the Grand Inquisitor earlier, he's had worse!

Ezra: (Groans) I've had worse!

Kanan gently placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder as the kid placed his hand over his Master's just as Eldra came into the room, confused about what had happened!

Eldra: Ezra, what exactly happened down there?

Ezra sighed heavily, remembering what had happened with him, the Inquisitor, and Kaitis!

Ezra: (Sighs) My former adoptive brother happened! I thought that like with you and your parents that he loved me as you guys did, sis... But... I was wrong! The Empire wanted to destroy worlds, and they did... They destroyed mine! (Crying)

Sabine and Hera frowned at the sobbing boy, they both know how that feels...

Hera: I know how that feels... When people that you love don't believe in you...

Sabine: When they let you walk away!

Kanan frowns, knowing how it feels to be wrong about the people who are like family to you!

???: You must run! Run, Caleb! RUN!!!

Kanan: I know how that feels, to be wrong about family!

Ezra smiled before he placed a hand over Kanan's, glad to have the older man as a Mentor in his life. Sabine hands something to Ezra, wanting to give the kid something as a late Birthday present!

Sabine: I have just what you need, it's the holo disc from your old house. It was pretty degraded, but I cleaned it up. And I found something!

Ezra takes the disk before turning it on. The boy's face is shocked when he sees a picture of his real Mom and Dad, right before the Clone Wars had started!

Ezra: Mom? Dad!

Sabine smiled before she placed a gentle hand on Ezra's head before she gently ruffles the boy's soft blue hair.

Sabine: Happy Birthday, Ezra Skywalker!

As everyone leaves Ezra alone for a while, Kanan smiles at his Student. For the first time in a while, Ezra felt like Anakin and Padme would've loved him and Hera!

Ezra: Mom and Dad would have liked you, Kanan. Both you and Hera...

Kanan's eyes are filled with awe and disbelief at that statement!

Kanan: Really? Are you sure, Ezra?

Ezra gave a real smile for the first time in years as he gazed at the picture with Kanan's warm and firm hand on his shoulder, he's sure!

Ezra: Really... I am sure!

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