Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five: Create one.../Leading the Way!

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Soon enough, the Ghost finally arrived near the Wild Space that was close to Lira San! Zeb hoped that this whole Wild Trip isn't for nothing!

Zeb: That's it... That's it! Lira San!

Kanan sighed, asking how far it was until they get there!

Kanan:  (Sighs) How far is it to Lira San?

Chava: Well, judging by this...

But before the wise Woman could finish her sentence, the Ghost rocked out of control, making Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine all fall on the floor! Kanan managed to stay on his feet from all the rumbling, before he asked both Hera and Chopper what was going on!


(Alarm Beeping)

Kanan: (Grunts) Hey Hera? Do both you and Chopper mind telling us what's happening here?!

Hera: Give a second... Chopper, you power down the hyperdrive... I'll ready the shields just in case!

Everyone rushes to the cockpit behind them! Luckily, the Ghost stops and just in time too, because Chopper is worried about something in their path!

Hera: Chopper!

Chopper: (Chopper Chattering)

Ezra tries to calm the little Droid down, confused what's got him so upset!

Ezra: What's wrong?

Sabine and Hera both see what it is that Chopper was so worried about in their way as well as the others do, and they do not like it one little bit at all!

Sabine: There's something in our path...

Kanan: What is that?

Hera: Imploded star cluster, biggest one I've ever seen!

Ezra knew that they were lucky to still be alive thanks to both Hera and Chopper, any closer and they all would be dead right now!

Ezra: (Sighs) Nice save... If we get any closer, the gravity field will destroy us!

Just then, both Gron and Chava came into the cockpit, demanding to know what was going right now!

Gron: What happened? Are we on course?

Hera knew that they were but their path was blocked by the worst kind of space anomaly that they could've ever encountered!

Hera: Sure are, but our course is blocked by the worst kind of space anomaly we could've encountered!

Zeb groaned, this is what happens when he and his friends jump into uncharted space!

Zeb: (Groans) This is what happens when we jump into uncharted space!

But Chava revealed something intestesting that she did not mention before!

Chava: Ah... This is the maze that was prophesized!

Kanan and Ezra were both confused now, she never said anything about a Maze before!

Kanan: Wait, a maze?

Ezra: You never said anything about a maze!

Zeb rolled his eyes, before telling Ezra that his prophecy types from his home world always pulled something like this!

Zeb: You prophecy types always pull something like this!

Ezra: Wait, always?

Gron: Yeah!

Chava: Kinda!

Suddenly, they all heard another Alarm Beeping, much to Hera's worry and Kanan's annoyance!

(Alarm Beeping)

Hera: (Gasps)

Kanan: Ugh! Now what?

They all heard that was Agent Kallus over the hologram from his Star Destroyer!

Agent Kallus: Attention, rebels... As much as I might like to watch you consumed by the maelstrom before you... Lord Vader still wants the Jedi alive in one piece! So, I will offer you a chance to surrender, so that you may have an opportunity for survival!

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