Between Us Lap 7

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Lap 7 -I Could Never Lose

Nipsey Bet! You dropping the street

Nicca if she yo bitch like you say she is find her he yells hanging up.

Nipsey did two things 2 days prior.... He reported her car stolen and he called
Apple and got location tracking info on her phone.... It had just popped up when that call
Came through....

He had texted his boys to meet where the ping stopped...

25 minutes later he told Sam to cut  the car off and they wait.
Everyone check on saying they waiting for the signal.

Nipsey.... This nicca made bail and now
He need a funeral ...Blacc he fuccin with my
Shit, my baby he loads his shit..  soon as
I get Boog in the car take her to mommy's

His phone rings...
Hears her scream ... baby please save me red building

The line goes dead.

All his boys get update and the street light on front the building goes out fire truck called cops called...

Sirens blared ....  3 minutes
Later a garage comes up and boogs car comes out speeding....

One on his boys tails it until  the cops
Stop them...Kobe and Lauren -both are pullEd out booked. Squad car pulls off...

And Blacc Sam follows

They wake up Samantha and give her bail
For him and her....

They walk. Through the doors to the steps outside. The cops walk Lauren to
Get her car.

Kobe is clocking Samantha's ass hard so much so that when he got in the car he was prepared for the black bag to go over his head and pulled tight.

Samantha out the drivers seat...J rock pulls
Off. Lauren pulls out the lot...Nipsey says Sam take her home. Tell her i love her.

He hops  in another car....let's ride .

They ride to Santa Monica bats, chains, gun butts, razors, wires all get to crack his shit!!!!

Plastic bag over his head and a steel bat to the face 60 times ......followed by a splash.


As they are making their way back to the house Lauren grabs Samantha arm.... The hospital take me to the hospital
Something is wrong.... He gave me A

Doctors rushed her in to pump
Her in stomach

Samantha text Nipsey we at the hospital
She needs her stomach pumped...

Nip  on my way....
By the time he gets there Samantha is in full
blown tears in the waiting room.
Where is Lauren?

Samantha  sniffles she's had a miscarriage... they are cleaning her up. The doc will come
She cried harder....

Fucc he wanted to pull the nicca out the water and make him die again....

The doc motions...  and explains  that he had laced the food with something to put her in labor and even though she was
Only 8 weeks her body and the stress released the baby at the hospital...

Nipsey is she okay and comfortable! Can she have more kids...

Yes and yes the doc says. 6/8 weeks
Before sex. No stress good vitamins and food. Very sorry for your loss.

Nipsey thanks...  He sat by her bed crying
She was sedated for pain.. it would be a day later before they would look at each other.

Boog, baby I'm so sorry,

Lauren's eyes streamed tears... baby our baby....

He pulls her to him i know.

—-///////// NIPSEY::::::::::>>>>>

My baby been home for weeks silent  and it's not good. Been trying to break her out of it.

About a month  and a 1/2  in she decides she wants to leave

Boog where???

I can't let you do that.

"You not my daddy she yelled!"


She stopped fussing

It was my baby too!!  Gone before i even knew what it was and now I'm sad about it too.

She stares for a long while.  He pulls her up to him burying his face into her shirt  and
Breasts.... Soaked they bawl until they sleep in each other's arms.

I love you Lauren he moans...
Love you more Ermias....

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