Chapter 29

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After Kie parks the car in a well overgrown lot, the five decide to keep two people awake at all times, checking for cops

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After Kie parks the car in a well overgrown lot, the five decide to keep two people awake at all times, checking for cops.

Rosa is lying between JJ and John B in the back seat, asleep. Her hand is between JJ's hands, who is also asleep, and her legs are wrapped up on John B's lap, who has his hands on her calves and is looking out the window. Kie is asleep in the driver's seat and Pope is staring into some book.

Suddenly Rosa jumps up and looks around in terror causing JJ to also immediately be wide awake and look at her with concern, JB turns his head to her and pulls his eyebrows together.

"Hey, are you okay?" John B puts his hand on her back and Rosa runs her hand over her face while taking a deep breath. JJ turns her face towards him and looks at her "Rosa everything good?" he then asks as well, Pope looks at the three of them in turn not really knowing what to say.

"No, yes all good" she nods and leans back a bit "Pope, John B you guys can sleep if you want. I'll stay awake with Rosa now" JJ looks at his friends who immediately accept the offer and close their eyes.

JJ and Rosa are just quiet for a while waiting for their friends to fall asleep, when JJ hears the boy's deep breathing he looks at Rosa and gestures with his head to the car door before getting out and waiting for Rosa. She also gets out quietly and looks at him questioningly until he holds up a joint and she immediately nods.

JJ takes her hand and walks her to the hood, where he puts his hands on her thighs and gently sets her down on the hood. Rosa watches him while he lights the joint and hands it to her first, she accepts it and draws the drug deep into her lungs. JJ eyes her and runs his hand through his blond curls.

"What were you dreaming?" he asks cautiously and Rosa looks at him before sighing, "Nothing..." JJ just looks at her with a raised eyebrow and Rosa takes another deep drag on the joint before handing it to JJ.

"Tell me" he takes the joint while stroking her soft skin, Rosa just looks at him for a moment and swallows hard as she notices her eyes glazing over. JJ is now looking at her with concern and he really doesn't give that look to many people.

"At the runway when..." Rosa falters for a few seconds, "Rafe shot Peterkin and JB and I were sitting on the ground next to her to kind of help her he... he pointed his gun right at my head and... and he had this look like he was going to pull the trigger at any moment... there was just hate in his eyes and it felt like he never really loved me. I mean would you point a gun at a person you ever truly loved?" her voice gets quieter with each sentence and JJ's anger rises with each sentence. He swears to himself that eventually he's going to take Rafe down for what he's doing to Rosa. The self-doubt, the trust issues, and the pain. These are things he doesn't want Rosa to feel.

"JJ?" she looks at him when he doesn't answer her and he immediately shakes his head, "No you don't do that kind of thing when you've loved someone or, as Rafe always insists, you love." He takes a few steps closer to her and gently places his hands on the back of her head before pressing it to his stomach and holding her in his arms, Rosa wraps her arms around his waist and leans against him but makes sure she doesn't slip off the hood. She closes her eyes and tears run down her cheeks.

1. Kook Princess ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now