Chapter 27

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John B kicks open the door and gets out of the car, Rosa slowly follows him

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John B kicks open the door and gets out of the car, Rosa slowly follows him.

"Sarah!" shouts John B, but then Ward gets off the plane instead of her, so John B shouts her name again.

"You trying to kill her?" Ward yells and shoves John B a bit, who slams his back against Rosa, who staggers a bit as a result but quickly catches herself. She turns her head in JJ's direction, but can only see his outline.

"Trying to get us killed?" Ward continues to yell and Rosa looks at him, the anger inside her rising.

"Like you killed my mom and Big John?!" she screams, but John B holds her back as she takes a few steps towards Ward.

"I need the gold!" John B and Ward look at each other with hateful glares and are inches away from each other.

"No! No! No!" then Sarah's voice rings out as she steps off the plane, "No! John B!" she sobs as she puts her hands to his cheeks and the two take a few steps back, "John B, you're okay. I..." Ward grabs her arms and tries to pull her back, "Get away from him."

But John B doesn't let that happen any more than Sarah, who immediately turns away and JB takes her protectively in his arms, "No! Don't touch me!"

Rosa looks at the two of them and then at Ward, who also looks at her briefly, causing Rosa to shape her eyes into slits and look at him deprecatingly.

"And don't tell me what to do" Sarah adds, reaching for Rosa's hand, who is still just standing next to the pair, nearly killing Ward with her gaze.

And then sirens can be heard from the distance, coming closer. Rosa looks first at Sarah and John B and then at the place where Kie, Pope and JJ should be, but the three have disappeared. Rosa furrows her eyebrows in confusion and moves closer to JB and Sarah. John B looks at her for a second and puts his other arm around her shoulder to pull her closer to him and Sarah.

"You think this changes anything? It doesn't" Ward says to Rosa and John B, causing Rosa to form her hands into fists as he can only mean that this won't bring her mom and Big John back to life.

"Watch what you say you old bastard" Rosa hisses and Sarah looks at her shortly through that.

Ward, however, ignores her and turns to the police car, which stops a few feet in front of them. Sarah looks at the car in shock and then turns to John B "You gotta get outta here. You gotta..."

"Oh, thank God you're here" Ward says to Sheriff Peterkin, who slams the car door and walks toward the four, "Susan, I told you he lost his goddamn mind."

"Put your hands on your head" is all she says and Ward turns to John B with a sickening grin, "I'd do what she said."

Rosa's mouth drops open as Sheriff Peterkin pulls out her gun and she realizes it's not John B she's talking about.

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