Chapter 15

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Rosa looks at the two before looking at JJ and raising her eyebrows

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Rosa looks at the two before looking at JJ and raising her eyebrows. Something is in the air between the two and Rosa can't figure out what. Whether it's just the desire for his body or something more deep-seated. The only thing she knows is that she wants JJ badly. And it seems JJ wants her at least as much as Rosa wants him.

Rosa never had those feelings she feels now when she looks at JJ. Neither the tingling in her stomach nor the tingling further down.

JJ was at her house at least twice a week, mowing the lawn or cleaning one of the yachts. Always bare-chested but when Rosa was still happy with Rafe, she didn't even notice him. The more unhappy she became, the more she realized how good-looking JJ actually was. Not just his six pack. His ocean blue eyes, his golden curls, his thin lips, his light facial hair, his dimples, his soft features when he smiles. Just everything about him is so beautiful.

Rosa is snapped out of her thoughts when JJ slaps her ass and she looks at him, startled for a moment. John B looks at him as well, not really thrilled with this action. "Skeeter" he holds up his palm for a moment but takes it down before Rosa or John B can see the non-existent skeeter. "Yeah right..." Rosa grins at him and JB exhales in annoyance. JJ looks down at her and grins as well. And there it is again... that feeling... does she just want sex or does she want his love?

Rosa pushes him away grinning and then disappears behind John B who looks at her and raises his eyebrows "What?" Kie then looks at Rosa as well and grins " even I can feel the sexual aura.... JJ wants to fuck you so bad" Rosa laughs and JB looks at the two girls "you guys are flirting non stop..." "Don't be jealous Johnny..." she grins at him and he flicks her forehead "shut up."

Pope stomps around on the floor, which is why JB and Kie shush him.

"I just found Mrs. Crain's voodoo doll, guys" JJ holds up a doll and Rosa laughs "Oh, shit... put it back..." JJ grins and throws the doll back into the bed.

Pope drops a stone between two wooden beams and waits a few seconds until a splash can be heard. He frantically clears away the boards, making a lot of noise. Rosa looks at him in shock "Pope you are attracting the attention of the murderess...."

"Hey, Pope!" JJ looks at him warningly.

"Sh!" Kie looks at him as well.

"Hey. Help me move this" Pope looks at John B who has moved in front of him "Sh!"

"Help me move this" Pope now whispers and looks at John B with wide eyes. "Okay, just... quiet" John B carefully helps him move the boards away.

"All right" JJ also starts to help while Rosa walks away terrified as a large black spider walks in front of her feet, she runs into Pope who flinches and looks at her "Hey..." he gently pushes her away before continuing to clear the boards. Rosa looks around in a panic for the spider, which is long gone. The other four clear the boards away.

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