Chapter 95

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"Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!" Jughead sat up. "What the hell?"

"It's a rooster." You mumbled still half asleep.

"Yeah, I figured that much out." He ran his hand through his hair.

FP stopped in the doorway. "Thought that might have woken you up. Seems like Santa gifted one of our neighbors with a rooster."

"Lovely." Jughead groaned getting up to go to the restroom.

"I got a pot of coffee going." FP announced.

Jughead came back a moment later. "You want coffee?"

"Yeah." You said slipping the comforter off you. You sat down at the kitchen table, watching as FP kept glancing between the clock and the coffee maker. As soon as it stopped dripping, he filled his thermos and screwed the lid on. "Well, I better get going. You guys enjoy your Christmas. Don't get into any trouble." He placed his hand on Jughead's shoulder. "Be safe," he said firmly.

"Dad." Jughead's face wrinkled. FP looked back at him seriously before exiting out the door. You heard his motorcycle start up, taking off a moment later. Jughead yawned at he placed the steaming cups of coffee on the table.

"Well, I never imagined we'd be up this early today. But it's good. I can get some writing done. I've been slacking. My dad left us the truck. I figured you could spend a few hours sorting through things, and then I could meet you back there."


He reached across the table and interlaced his fingers in yours. "I called the Bijou. Dirty Dancing is playing at 4:30, and Shallow Hal at 7:15." He grimaced. "We can just watch a movie here if you want."

"Isn't Dirty Dancing the one with Patrick Swayze?"


"That kind of looks good."

"Wait. You've never seen it?"


"That's crazy. Well then, we should go."

"You were just acting like it was horrible."

"I mean it's not really my cup of tea. But it's a classic. It'll be fun."


Going through your father's closet proved to be a lot more of a time-consuming task than you'd ever imagined. He had so many guns, collectables, and miscellaneous items you'd never even seen before. You figured he'd been amassing all of this since his early adulthood. You unearthed a Beretta break action semi-auto shotgun in the corner that been obscured by clothes. You knew exactly what you wanted to do with it. You dialed Sweet Pea's number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Fine, what's going on?"

"I was wondering if you could come over for a minute?"

"Sure. Right now?"

"Yeah, I mean if it's convenient, and make sure to bring your van."

"Okay, see you soon."

He heard a knock at the door about fifteen minutes later. You opened it up and saw him standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets, the van parked on the street.

"Hey." He said stepping inside.

"Hey Sweet Pea." I heard about your uncle. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. He's probably just on a bender somewhere."

You looked at the collared shirt and black slacks he was wearing along with his Serpent jacket. "You're all dressed up. What are your plans for today?"

"Just going over to Toni's grandmas for Christmas dinner. She's invited me and Fangs the last couple of years. I guess it's kind of become a tradition. So, what did you need help with?"

"I actually have a New Year's Present for you."

"New Years huh? You're just too rebellious for Christmas." He joked.

"Yeah, I don't really do Christmas. But I love New Years. I'll be right back." You came back with the shotgun. "I know it's not a Bellini, but I want you to have this."

He looked shocked as he took the gun from your hands. "This is walnut. You can easily get at least two grand for this."

"Yeah, I know. But there is no way I can repay you for everything you've done. Your friendship is priceless to me."

"I can't... accept this." He looked torn, attempting to hand it back to you.

"Sweet Pea, please. It's yours. Are you going to Cheryl's party?" You changed the subject in hopes that he would forget about objecting.

"On New Year's? I'll probably check it out."

"Okay, well I'll see you there, if I don't see you before then."

He placed the shotgun on the counter, and you thought you were going to have to persuade him further. To your surprise he stepped forward and opened his arms. You hugged briefly before he pulled away smiling. "Thank you. It's awesome. By far the best present I've ever gotten."


Jughead showed up around two o'clock with his father's truck. "How's it going?"

"Fine, I have pretty much divided thing into sell, donate, and trash."

"What about keep?"

"Well yeah, there's the stuff I'm keeping. Do you think you can get in touch with Dilton? I have a bit of stuff I think he'd definitely be interested in."

"Oh, if it's guns or anything survival related you can bet Dilton will be interested. I'll get ahold of him." He looked at the side table. "What's going on with this one?" He picked up a Smith & Wesson Victory.

"I am keeping that one for myself."

"Oh, yeah? Have you ever shot a gun?"

"Yeah. My dad and I used to go shooting all the time when I was younger."

He nodded. "Have you found anything else related to Pyron or Enomoto?"

"No, I haven't." You saw Jughead looking around at the mess of belongings. "Look if there's anything you want, it's yours."

"Oh, well then." He picked up a stained-glass dragonfly. "I definitely need this." He grinned.

" He grinned

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"Okay." You replied sarcastically.

"No, seriously. I like it." He pretended to make it fly around.

You gave him a quick kiss. "Well, you can have whatever you want."

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