Chapter 46

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You and Jughead sat at the bar of the Whyte Wyrm sharing a French dip sandwich and mozzarella sticks. Toni was behind the bar even though she was in the same grade as you. You guessed that was one of the advantages of being a Serpent, conventional laws didn't apply. The thought of you being a Serpent flashed across your mind. Could that be your ticket to getting away from your father? In unity, there is strength. Maybe you'd be protected from him, and you'd be closer to Jughead. It was sure something to contemplate, although you were quite sure they'd never let you in. What did you really have to offer?

"Hey last one. It's yours." He looked at the lone mozzarella stick in the basket.

"No, you can have it."

He smirked, biting half off and then feeding you the other half.

"Aww aren't you guys adorable." Toni appeared in front of you grabbing your empty baskets. You swear you saw Jughead blush.

"Crap." Jughead jumped from his barstool as he saw two men walk in. "I have some business to attend to." He patted your knee. "Don't let her get into any trouble." He told Toni.

Toni raised her eyebrow as he walked off. "So... is this your first time at the Whyte Wyrm?

"Yeah, it is."

"You look a bit tightly wound. Do you want a drink?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you though. How long have you been working here?"

"On and off for a couple years."

"That sounds nice."

"Does it?"

Suddenly everyone started cheering as a girl around your age walked onto the stage, the rock music that had been playing unexpectedly switching to an exotic tune. She tossed her long black hair as she began swaying her hips. You saw Jughead take a seat on the pool table right in front of the stage. What the hell? The girl ripped her shirt open in a flash and threw it into the crowd, causing more roars. You watched her dance in her purple bra and black leather skirt, until she began to shimmy out of that as well. You looked over at Toni in disbelief. Was this just a normal thing here?

She leaned over and spoke into your ear

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She leaned over and spoke into your ear. "Yovanna's initiation. The Serpent dance." She must have caught your eyes on Jughead's back who was still just sitting intently in front of the stage. Yovanna now in just her bra and panties gyrating against a metal pole. You really wished you could see his face to get a better idea of what was going through his head. "As acting leader it's a sign of respect to watch an initiates final trial." She said matter-of-factly.

"Final trial? I thought-"

"Girls still do the same first and second, but their third is the dance, in place of the gauntlet. I personally think it's an antiquated and sexist practice, but so many of the older Serpents see it as some special tradition, so I don't think it will change anytime soon." Finally the dance ended and you saw Jughead disappear into one of the backrooms.

"Hey Toni." My usual. Sweet Pea slid onto the barstool next to you. "Oh hey." He said, recognizing you from the race the day before.

"Hey." You noticed his Serpent tattoo was on his neck. "What brings you to our lair?"

Toni rolled her eyes. "Don't mind him."

"What? I was just making conversation." Your attention turned to a male and female playing darts in the corner. "You want a match?" Sweet Pea took a swig from the drink now in his hand.

"What? No, I've never played."

"Well, it's not rocket science. Come on." He jumped off his bar stool and directed his chin towards the dart board. He told you the basic dynamics of the game while the other pair finished up.

"Remember, your throwing arm also dictates the leg you stand forward with. Right-handed throw, right leg forward." You threw your first dart and he grimaced. "Make sure you follow through. After every throw your arm should be fully extended. Think of it like shooting, a sawn-off barrel will spray, whereas a longer barrel gives you more range and accuracy."

"Okay." You tried again.

He nodded. "An improvement, but maybe you should try a drink. You're stiffer than a ramrod. "Toni" He raised his hand, gaining her attention. "Two Black Russians." He turned to you. "Is that good for you?"

"I don't even know what that is."

"Well, you like vodka and coffee, right?"

"I've never had vodka, but I like coffee." He looked at you like you were crazy. You really weren't even sure you wanted a drink, but you didn't want to be impolite or seem like a prude among the other patrons. You stood there awkwardly as he went to retrieve the drinks from the side of the bar, handing a bill over to Toni. You really did feel self-conscious and high-strung, maybe a drink was what you needed. He came back and handed you the cocktail, watching you as you put it to your mouth.


"It's good, thank you."

"Okay so let's consider everything before practice shots. Now let's actually start a game." He gathered all the darts. You guys played for around half an hour, but it passed quickly as you were starting to have fun. You were debating playing again when a middle-aged woman wearing a Serpents jacket pointed at you and Sweet Pea.

"You two."

A long-haired guy holding a beer stood beside her. "How about a little game of pool against us? Winner gets fifty bucks?"

"What do you say?" Sweet Pea examined you.

"I've never played pool." You said, hearing the man with the beer scoff.

"Oh my god, you've never done anything." Sweet Pea smiled at you. "I'll teach you."

"I think I'll be the one to teach my girlfriend how to play pool. Thanks, Sweet Pea." Jughead interceded. He placed his hand around your waist, and it almost looked like Sweet Pea was disappointed. "Not tonight though." He walked you outside. You were happy with his timing, Sweet Pea seemed like a nice enough person, but the thought of another guy teaching you how to play pool irked you out. That should undeniably be a job for Jughead.

He leaned against his motorcycle which brought his eyes level with yours. "You picked an interesting night to come."

"Are you talking about the strip tease?"

His face crinkled. "I mean I wouldn't exactly call it that." He looked uncomfortable.

"No?" You smiled at him, brushing a piece of hair away from his eye. You leaned in and gave him a small kiss.

He pulled away and gave you a curious look. "Were you drinking?"

"I had one drink."

He rubbed the sides of your arms. "I was just asking." He smiled, giving you another kiss. "Well, I guess I better get you home."

You were anxious when he pulled the motorcycle into your driveway. Your father wasn't home yet but the nosy neighbor was usually on high alert at night, oftentimes sitting obscured on his porch.

"I wished you would have stopped on the corner."

"How much longer are you going to hide me?"

You laughed, but he didn't seem to find it very amusing. "I'll see you Friday."

"Yeah, I guess so." You exchanged a brief hug before he zoomed off down the street.

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