Chapter 41

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You struggled to keep up with Jughead as he rushed out of Thornhill. You'd snatched your jacket and ran outside with it in your arm, not wanting to lose him. You felt as if you might trip any minute, flanked by your heeled boots and the shots you'd taken.

"Jughead" You called him, but he kept going. "Jughead please!" He seemingly stopped or at least slowed down significantly. You caught up to him and saw that he was bleeding from a small laceration underneath his right eye. The same eye that had still been healing.

"Are you okay?" You reached towards his face, but he flinched away. His nostrils were flared, his eyes narrow. "Jughead I am sorry. That eye was still healing." Your voice cracked, you felt emotional, you didn't want his eye being permanently damaged. You attempted to reach for his hand, but he pulled it away. "Please talk to me. What even just happened with you and Reggie?"

He shrugged. "Maybe... this was all a mistake."

"It was. I am sorry. We never should have come to this party."

"I don't mean the party."

You felt your heart lurch. "What are you saying?"

He swiped at the blood trickling down his face, a scowl permeating his mouth. He began walking down the hill again. You stayed in pace beside him, feeling like a foolish nuisance, but you didn't want to just leave things how they were.

"Where's your bike?"

"I walked."

"Will you please just stop and talk to me for a minute?"

He stopped walking, declining to look at you.

"Jughead." You placed your hands on the side of his face.

"Stop." He squirmed out of your grasp. "You're drunk."

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about you." A ghastly breeze came by causing you to shiver. You were still only in the lightweight dress, your jacket a forgotten ball pinned in your arm.

"Put on your jacket." He said crossly.

"My jacket is the least of my worries right now."

"Don't be ridiculous. It's snowing. Just do it." His eyes radiated anger and frustration. You flung your jacket on not wanting to argue with him further. His scowl seemed to transform partially into a frown. He brought the two sides of your jacket together, joining them with the zipper. His eyes met yours for a brief second before he looked away again. The gesture was so sweet, you felt a tear fall from your eye.

"Can you please tell me why you're so upset with me? The game was stupid, you're right. If it's about what Cheryl said, I never told anyone."

"People were bound to find out in a small town like this. I don't care about that. I am not ashamed of who I am."

You just looked at him. Wanting to try to explain so much more. How back in Colorado your father had always worked first shift so you were never able to go anywhere. No parties, no acquaintances. How you'd thought the Halloween party would have been an enjoyable experience. You wanted to apologize for trying to kiss him. But you didn't want to ramble or say anything that may upset him further. His mouth partially opened as if he was about to say something but then he seemed to change his mind.

"What is it?" You nudged.

"You just need to be careful."

You searched his face seeking more clarification.

"You shouldn't let those people know you've never been kissed. I'm sure Chuck and the rest of the football team will just try to make you one of their conquests now."

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now