Chapter 31

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He rolled the dice and moved the tomb, knocking your pawn into the grave. He smiled widely, satisfied with his achievement. You took your turn, picking up a card, peering at Jughead over it. There was nothing you could do with it now.

"Your turn."

He smirked, picking up the small skull piece and dropping it down the chute. The headless ghost sprung into the air. He opened his mouth grinning.

"Yeah, you won again." You smirked.

"This is my game. Even though, it's been collecting dust in the closet for the last decade."

"Well, that's a shame. It's a good game."

"Isn't it?" He began deconstructing the board. "So, what's next? You still up for watching The Wraith? I know it's not exactly The Bijou," he said looking towards the small television.

"I love The Wraith." Your eyes widened.

"Okay." He jumped up and started digging in a bin that was to the side of the couch.

You straightened out the playing cards, returning them to the box, before putting the lid on Goosebumps: Terror in the Graveyard.

He flicked off the lights and sat next to you on the couch, about a foot of space between you. You both chuckled when the scene of Skank drinking the brake fluid came on, he looked over at you and smiled. He took off his beanie, setting it on the couch beside him, then ran a hand through his hair. A couple moments later he moved his hand from his thigh, placing it on the couch. Suddenly his pinky finger was resting on top of yours. It was such a small amount of touch, but it was driving you wild. You didn't think he was even aware of the contact, or was he? Your breathing accelerated, you wanted to grasp his entire hand.

You were startled when there was loud knocking at the door. You looked at each other with concern before Jughead got up and opened it. He stepped outside and you went in the kitchen to where you could see him, but whoever was outside wouldn't be able to see you. You discerned something about a hot dog and family. You took a few steps closer.

"Serpents take care of their own." You heard someone say. "However long he's gone, we've got your back. This is yours if you want it." A jacket appeared in Jughead's hands; you saw the corners of his mouth quirk up. He put on the leather jacket with the embroidered serpent on the back, a look of pride flashing across his face. His disheveled hair fell over one of his eyes as he looked over at you. He must have felt your eyes burning into him. You were fighting an internal battle against desire and apprehension.

You sat back on the couch giving him some privacy and gathering your thoughts

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You sat back on the couch giving him some privacy and gathering your thoughts. Eventually you heard the front door close, and you turned to look at him. He looked at you uneasily before sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"I don't think I ever mentioned this to you. But my dad's a Serpent. He was actually Serpent King."

You swallowed hard. You'd heard awful things about the Serpents. They were one of the gangs in Riverdale, their territory being the Southside. It was said that a lot of them were hardened criminals who terrorized the town, and that those among their ranks ended up dead or worse.

"Wait, so did you just... join a gang?"

"No." He wrinkled his face. "I just, they handed me the jacket and so, I put it on.

You looked at him strangely.

"Trust me. I am not going to be a Serpent. That's my father's life. I don't want that for me."


He took off the jacket and put the movie back on, the space between the two of you maddening. You could tell his mind was preoccupied with what had just happened. When it was over, he walked you home and bid you goodbye with an out of character fist bump. You walked inside your home perplexed. That boy was damned weird, and you absolutely adored it.

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