Chapter 59

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The incinerator doors slammed shut behind you and you heard it kick on. Jughead must have initiated it to give you extra time. You hurled over piles of waste running uphill towards the metal fence. You climbed a pile of old pallets before clutching onto the fence. The top was lined with barbed wire, you shimmied to the side, lining yourself up with a pole in the middle. You used it to place your heel before attempting to make your way over. Your wrist caught on some of the wire as you heaved yourself over. You quickly ripped it away resulting in immediate bleeding, before clutching onto the other side of the fence and making your way down. You ran aimlessly until you came across an unknown road. You sped across it into a forested area and attempted to get a signal on your phone. You had no luck and just kept striding further into the woods, putting distance between yourself and the facility.

Eventually you stumbled onto another road that was more brightly lit. You saw two motorcycles heading towards you, seemingly slowing down. Neither were wearing helmets but it was dark so you couldn't make out who they were, so you weren't sure if you should flee, but you couldn't keep running aimlessly. As they came closer you were slightly relieved to distinguish that they were Serpents, you only hoped they were ones that were loyal to Jughead.

One was a female with a long braid, the other a burley male with a gnarled beard. They came to a complete stop as they became parallel with you. "What you doing out here girlie?" The male questioned, his eyes roaming to your blood-soaked sleeve.

"I am Jughead Jones' girlfriend. He's in trouble. I need to get to the Sherriff's station."

"We got you." He responded promptly, gesturing to the female. 

"Hop on." She bade. You quickly straddled the bike, holding onto her waist as the motorcycles took off. Although it was in reality a quick ride, it seemed to take forever as you were imagining all the worst scenarios about what could be happening to Jughead. You dismounted at the Sheriff's station.

"Thank you

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"Thank you." You said hurriedly before rushing away.

The male called after you. "That's Five and I'm Clover. Let Jughead know we got his back."

Your burst through the door of the Sheriff's station, an unknown deputy sitting behind the desk. You struggled to find the words. My boyfriend and I were trespassing in a top-secret facility, and now they have him and are doing god knows what. Suddenly you saw Kevin emerge from the hallway carrying a cup of coffee. 

"Kevin." You hurried towards him. "Your dad's here?"

"Yeah... I was just with him."

You began to tell him the condensed story. Feeling more comfortable revealing it to him, than some stranger. Hopefully him then reiterating it to his father would hold some weight, rather than you just seeming crazy.

"Slow down, slow down. Jughead's already here." He revealed.


"Yeah, he was brought in like fifteen minutes ago. Lockheed is pressing charges. It doesn't look good, they're talking trespassing, destruction of property, and industrial espionage."

"No Kevin." You began to cry. "I have to see him."

He looked at you strangely. "He's still in processing. You can't. Look I don't know what you guys have gotten yourselves into, but you should go home. Get some rest, lay low."

"No please. Can you talk to your dad. I need to see him."

"Do you want to end up behind bars too? As of now they don't know who the other person was. You shouldn't even know Jughead is here yet. Come on, I'll take you home. Or a hospital?" His eyes lingered on your arm. "You can see him in the morning. I guarantee Jughead would agree with me." You hesitantly followed him outside, following him to his truck. He opened the passenger side door and waited for you to get in before shutting it. He was soon behind the wheel, a serious look plastered on his face.

"If you could just take me home, please." You said shakily.

Neither of you spoke again until he pulled up to the spot he'd dropped you off the last time he'd given you a ride. "I know the situation sucks, but don't do anything stupid."

"Clearly, I already have. Jughead's life could be over." Tears began to form in your eyes again. Kevin pressed his lips together, obviously not able to come up with any reassuring words. He knew Jughead was doomed too.

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