Chapter 3

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You were going to head outside to eat your lunch as the thought of trying to find somewhere to sit in the cafeteria seemed unnerving. Suddenly you hear your name called. You turned around to see Veronica gesturing for you to come sit with her. A blonde girl with a sharp ponytail was the only other person at the table. Not wanting to be rude you make your way over to them.

"Hey so this is Betty. She is actually our tour guide, but she's been juggling so much she was only able to meet with me during first break, but she's going to show you around later today."

"Oh hello, nice to meet you." Betty gave you what looked like an extremely fake smile.

"You too." She managed.

"So how's your day been so far?" Veronica pried.

"Good, I-"

"Great mine too! I think I am really feeling these small-town high school vibes."

You take out your lunch bag and start to hear chuckling. The redhead sitting at the next table makes a snide comment about bringing a lunch from home and apparently all her friends think it's hilarious. You try your best to tune them out hoping neither Betty nor Veronica comment on your lunch.

"Oh, here comes trouble." Veronica smiles. You turn around to see a brawny redheaded boy with a football jacket approach the table. He is introduced as Archie, both Betty and Veronica seem to be swooning over him.

"Are you and Jughead still not talking?" Betty looks over at a boy who took a seat at an empty table. It's the boy. Jughead? Is that his name? He doesn't look like he is in the best of moods. He actually looks pretty ticked off. You see some football players pointing and laughing in his direction. You shake your head at their absurdity. You wish you could go talk to him, try to sit with him, but you know that's never going to happen. You spend the rest of lunch wondering about his backstory.

"Hello girl?" Veronica stirs you out of your daydream. "Do you want to go to Pop's with us afterschool?"

"Oh..." You were going to say no, thinking about your lack of money, among other things. Then you thought about how this Jughead had seemed pretty comfy there, perhaps he was a regular. "Sounds fun."

Luckily or unluckily enough you had ended up in the same English class as him for sixth period. You had tried your best to avoid any eye contact with him and focus on the lesson, but it had been nearly impossible. You would probably be too embarrassed to speak aloud in that class the rest of the year. 


You sat in the booth forlorn and embarrassed. They had ditched you. You'd already embarrassed yourself enough by sitting here thirty minutes past when you were supposed to meet. You should have known that they didn't want to hang out with you. Perhaps Veronica was nice enough, but she didn't want someone like you to actually be her friend. Betty had instantly seemed to have a distaste for you, even more so during your one-one-one tour, and had probably been the one to talk the others out of the arrangement. You took the last sip of the coffee you'd been nursing, and were about to shove your book back into your bag when he walked in. You froze like a deer in the headlights and just about forgot to breathe.

You decided you'd stay in the dinner a little while longer and perhaps get another chapter of Slaughterhouse Five in, although your eyes strayed a little too much to get much of any actual reading done

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You decided you'd stay in the dinner a little while longer and perhaps get another chapter of Slaughterhouse Five in, although your eyes strayed a little too much to get much of any actual reading done.

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now