Chapter 4

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The door of Pop's closed behind you as you stepped into the night. The brisk breeze held no hint of summer in its midst. You had figured it was finally time to go. It was rather late, and you weren't ever going up to Jughead to try to speak to him, and he certainly wasn't going to approach you. The town seemed darker than ever as you stepped away from the neon lights that encompassed the diner. You began to feel uneasy and wished you had left while there was still some daylight out. You heard footsteps approaching and quickened your pace.

"Hey! Wait, you're in my English class, right?"

You turned around and saw his outline in the dark shadows, as if in the precipice of a dream.

"Yes?" You waited as he caught up with you. He looked lovely and disheveled, his eyes two emeralds piercing not only the night but straight through your soul.

"I am Jughead." 

You responded with your name. 

"I've seen you in the diner the last two nights. Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I just moved here from Colorado."

"You're not walking home alone right now?"

"Well... I... don't live very far."

"This town isn't as safe as it seems. With Jason still missing you should be careful."

"Who's Jason? And I just live a block past the drive-in."

"How do you not know about Jason? It's all the town is talking about right now."

"Honestly I just got to town two days ago."

"Let me walk you home. I live... by the drive-in too. I'll get you caught up. I am writing a book about the whole escapade."

You felt nervous and giddy whilst the two of you walked side by side. You stole sideway glances at him as he passionately spoke about everything that was going on and the plans he had for his book. You hadn't expected him to be so talkative but the three cups of coffee you'd seen him consume probably paid tribute. You stopped a couple houses from your place and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you for walking me home and catching me up on all the craziness going on in this town."

"Yeah, no problem." He smirked. "See you at school." He swiftly turned and receded down the street.

" He swiftly turned and receded down the street

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You awoke the next morning with a smile on your face. Had the night before actually happened? Had Jughead walked you home? You tried to pick out a flattering outfit and spent extra time doing your eye makeup that morning. You were just happy that you got to speak to him.

Veronica was waiting at your locker wearing a plaid mini skirt and a lavish pearl necklace.

"I am so sorry about Pop's. This horrible thing is going on with Betty's sister and we got caught up in trying to figure things out, then we realized none of us had your number." She pouted.

"It's fine Veronica." You reasoned knowing this was mostly likely an elaborate excuse, but you really didn't care at this point.

She shook her head. "Well give me your number, you are coming with Betty and I afterschool to get dresses for the back-to-school dance."

You thought about how you'd never been to a school dance, and certainly didn't have money to buy a dress. "I don't think I'll be going to the dance."

"That is not acceptable!" She interjected. "New town, new year, you have to go. And the dress is on me, as an apology for the screwed-up plans yesterday."

"Veronica, that is not necessary-"

"I insist. We are going to have a blast."

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now