Chapter 81

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You called Sweet Pea later that night, wanting to make sure that he wasn't in jail or that Sheriff Keller had confiscated his switchblade, but there was no answer. You opened your closet trying to find the right outfit for the next day. You were hoping you'd end up getting to have a long conversation with Jughead and patch everything up between you. You settled on nice black dress pants and an emerald green satin blouse. You figured it'd go well with a pair of combat boots, a leather jacket, and your green alien ring. You took a shower and set your alarms, regrettably being set with school in mind. You were just too anxious to speak with Jughead.

You turned off your lamp and laid down just as your phone started ringing. You saw it was Sweet Pea and answered the phone.


"Hey, I saw you called."

"Yeah, I just was wondering... how you were?" You felt uneasy saying anything implicating on the phone.

"Good. Everything's fine. I'm just at the Whyte Wyrm with Fangs and Toni. I'd have offered to come get you, but my uncle took the van."

"Oh well I'm about to go to sleep anyways, but you guys have fun."

"Okay." You heard some laughter and talking. "Toni and Fangs say hi." Sweet Pea sounded drunk.

"Well, tell them I said hi too."

"Sure thing. Catch you tomorrow."


You were thrilled when the bell rang announcing the end of school that day. You felt both nervous and ecstatic to be seeing Jughead at the riverbank gathering. You had lunch with Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea. Toni had pretty much apologized for being so harsh with you for believing Jughead had a chance, clearly glad that you'd gone forward even after she'd stated her disapproval. Cheryl had even let her in on the fact that'd you gotten the money from the coma expert from her. You walked with them and Cheryl after school to the celebration FP was having. There were already several other Serpents there, sitting around talking and drinking. You felt envious of all the Serpent jackets, wishing you had one of your own.

As you got further into the crowd you saw FP standing on a small platform. He nodded as he saw you approach. You noticed Jughead sitting about ten feet away from where his father stood. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni all went up and hugged Jughead, eliciting a bashful smile from him. Jughead turned around and looked at you momentarily, his expression seemingly neutral. 

FP whistled, causing all eyes to go to him. "Listen up. Some sixty years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place right here on these riverbanks." FP continued his speech. "It makes sense that this is where we gather now. Where I say my goodbyes." You heard a few gasps in the crowd and glances exchanged amongst one another. "Jughead, would you step up here son?" Jughead looked confused as he stood up and walked onto the platform.

"What are you doing?" You heard Jughead ask FP.

"What I should have done a long time ago." FP replied. "I'm retiring from the Serpents." He yelled to the crowd. You heard a few boos in the crowd. "Whoa!" FP intervened. "My boy, my boy." He tapped Jughead's chest. "Has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it." He placed his hand on Jughead's shoulder. "That's why I'm giving you the mantle." Cheers erupted from the crowd. Jughead looked overwhelmed with an array of emotion.

Sweet Pea smacked you cheerfully on the back. "Wahoo," he hollered. A look of genuine pride on his face.

When the cheering died down, FP began talking again. "Now as your first official duty as Serpent King." He looked at Jughead as Toni walked forward pulling out a red leather jacket from her duffle bag. "I think you know what to do with this." FP said to Jughead. "Take it." He said, handing him the jacket.

The crowd began cheering again. FP stepped off the stage, leaving all eyes on Jughead. "All I can say, is... I love you dad." Jughead said simply. "And the Serpents will not die out on my watch." Clapping and howls erupted before Jughead gestured to Cheryl. She took off the jacket she was wearing and walked over to the platform. Jughead held out the red Serpent jacket, helping her into it. Toni clasped her hands under her chin looking extremely delighted. You were genuinely surprised. Cheryl a Serpent? You knew she had done a bunch to help FP, The Serpents, and of course Jughead, but you never actually saw her becoming a member. Life was full of surprises.

Jughead stepped off the platform and all the Serpents were making a beeline towards him, giving him half-hugs, congratulating him, and so forth. When the crowds started to dispense around him, you attempted to approach him but were cut off right before you reached him by Five and Clover.

"Well, I'll be." Clover said smiling.

"You must be proud as hell." Five said.

" Five said

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"I am." You said steadfastly. Jughead made eye contact with you when you said that, giving you a smile. Suddenly Cheryl walked up beaming. Clover and five nodded before walking away. You gave Cheryl a hug. "Congratulations."

"Thank you my dear."

"I wasn't expecting this."

She smiled. "Yeah, six months ago, I would have said there wasn't a chance in hell. But things have changed." A look of introspection overcame her features.


"Yes?" She urged.

"Did you have to do the Serpent dance?"

She laughed. "Hell no." She said firmly, before leaning closer. "But maybe I will do it, just for my TT." She giggled.

"I thought-"

Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Toni walked up. "We're taking this party to the Wythe Wyrm. You in?" Fangs questioned. Cheryl put her arm around Toni.

"You know I am." Cheryl said giving her a kiss.

"I..." You looked up around trying to see where Jughead went, but he was nowhere in sight.

Toni must have noticed. "Jughead headed back to his trailer. He's still in a lot of pain."

"Oh well, you guys go on without me." You replied. Sweet Pea nodded as the others bid their goodbyes.

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