Chapter 48

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You sat on the couch stealing glances at him as he worked in the kitchen, he'd insisted that you didn't help out. The smell of garlic sautéing soon filled the trailer. You couldn't help but laugh as he started whisking eggs, cream, and parmesan in a bowl. His expression looked so serious and determined.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." You couldn't help but smile. "You just look so cute over there."

"You're looney from lack of sleep." He replied. You watched him put some garlic bread in the oven, before going back to finish off the pasta dish. You strolled into the kitchen.

"Where do you keep your placements and silverware?" You queried.

"I can set the table." He insisted.

"No. You're making dinner, it's the least I can do."

He sighed. "Fine. Look in that drawer."

Ten minutes later you sat down at the dinner table as he set two plates of carbonara down. He disappeared back into the kitchen, returning moments later wearing a large smile, along with oven mitts, carrying a tray of garlic bread over. He slipped off the oven mitts and took a seat across from you.

 He slipped off the oven mitts and took a seat across from you

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"Wow Jughead, this looks amazing."

"Well let's just hope it tastes up to par." He reached across the table and gave your hand a squeeze. You gathered a small bite of the entrée in your fork. It smelled divine. You were astounded when you tasted it, it was a flavor explosion. He looked at you enquiringly.

"It's absolutely amazing. I feel like I am in Italy."

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Okay."

"I am serious." You spent a moment smiling at each other. In that instant you wished you could spend all the rest of your dinners with him.

You changed into one of his T-shirts and a pair of track pants, entering the bedroom to already see him in bed, leaning back against the bedframe, a Vonnegut book in his hands. He set the book on his nightstand and gave you a pining look. He opened his arms as you came to bed, your head coming to rest on his chest. He reached over and grabbed the blanket pulling it partially over you. He ran his hands slowly down your arms, causing electrifying impulses all over your body.

"Oh wow, this is bad." He looked at the nasty bruise on your arm, bringing it to his mouth and giving it a small kiss.

"Yeah. I was just really tired the other night and I ran into my desk."

He looked at you questionably. "You must have run into it pretty hard. Have you been having that much trouble sleeping?" He rubbed your back.

"It's sporadic. Some nights." You sighed, wishing you could just be fully honest with him, but that would open up a huge can of worms that you'd never be able to mollify. Your mind drifted towards wild fantasies of being free from your father's abusive ways. "So, now that you're acting leader of the Serpents you have a pretty big say in things."

"Well yeah." He looked slightly confused. "What are you getting at?"

"Just... I was talking to Toni, and she thinks the whole Serpent dance thing is rather absurd and chauvinistic. I am sure there are-"

He sighed. "So, you were bothered by me watching the initiation the other day? Trust me I didn't enjoy it, the whole thing-"

"No, it's not about that."

"Then what's it about? I mean, are you asking if I agree with Toni? I do, but there are so many more dire issues the Serpents are facing right now." When you didn't respond he placed a finger under your chin, leading you to look at him. He gazed at you before giving you a loving kiss.

"I mean with the Ghoulies recruiting more people, and the Serpents numbers being down, it would make sense to recruit more people. I am sure there are women out there that would be loyal to the Serpents but are opposed to flashing their bodies to a room full of men." You felt him stiffen.

"You're not saying you want to join the Serpents?"

"I've been thinking-"

"I've been thinking-"

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"No." His voice turned bitter, his arms releasing you and dropping to his sides. "How could you even consider it after knowing all the stuff I've been dealing with? I never wanted this, but I was just kind of born into it. Forced into the role by a muddled sense of duty."

"I know how proud you are to be a Serpent. The sense of family. The protection it offers. It..." He glared at you triggering you to not finish your sentence, his eyes exuding both anger and sadness. "I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything."

He took a deep breath. "No, don't be sorry. I want you to tell me how you feel. I just don't understand where this is coming from." You shook your head, wanting to be free of your secrets, but holding them all in. You brought your lips to his, not knowing want to say, but craving his kiss desperately. His lips were sweeter and softer than ever. He pulled away a moment later and put a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Maybe it's time for you to get some sleep." He pulled you into his chest again, resting his chin momentarily on the crown of your head. "I am just going to finish this chapter." He picked up the novel. As you were starting to drift to sleep you heard him click the lamp off, before shimmying down onto his pillow, keeping you on his torso the whole time. 

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