Chapter 38

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You stood in the lot of Mantle Motors with your father Thursday evening. Your father was rather picky when it came to cars, but he was eventually persuaded into purchasing a turquoise Suzuki Samuri.

"Son, will you get this washed up and pull it up front?"

You saw Reggie pop out from behind a car down the lot, a ShamWow clutched in one hand. Reggie gave you a nod of acknowledgement before you went inside as your father signed the paperwork. You sat there jaded, all you could think about was Jughead. You hadn't been able to see him again as your father had been watching you like a hawk. You'd talked on the phone a few times and he was mostly resting after school, so you figured he didn't need you bothering him anyhow.

"Alright. All set. Pleasure doing business with you." Mr. Mantle stood up and shook your father's hand.

"I'm going to use the restroom really quick. I'll meet you out there." Your father looked annoyed but didn't berate you in front of prying eyes. He was always a perfectly polite fellow in public. When you went outside your father and Reggie were having a rousing conversation about muscle cars.

"I'll probably be back to get me one of these soon."

"Sounds great." Reggie waved goodbye as your father shut the driver's door. You hopped into the passenger seat ready for another grisly night stuck at home with your father.



Jughead: Pop's tomorrow night?


You: I wish. My dad's still not back at work for some reason.


Jughead: He won't even let you go grab a bite to eat?


You: No, but he's finally going back on Monday.

You were sad when Jughead didn't respond back. Was he upset? Would he just find someone else to go to Pop's with? You'd wanted to make up some excuse, you were desperate to see him. Yet your dad was already upset about you meeting with Veronica for the chemistry project. He'd even been waiting outside the Pembroke Tuesday evening. You didn't want to push your luck.

When you got home Monday after school you were delighted to enter an empty house. Jughead hadn't texted you again since Thursday night. You were contemplating if you should call him and see if he wanted to meet up when you heard a knock at your window. You opened the window with a wide smile on your face.

"Jughead." He smiled, catapulting into the window, and pulling you into a tight hug. He rocked you from side to side and planted a kiss on your cheek.

"Wow you're in a good mood." You attempted to keep yourself from blushing.

"Yeah." He beamed. He looked at you for a moment, and if you hadn't known any better you might have thought he was going to kiss you.

"You're healing up nicely." You touched a faded bruise on his cheek, pleased to see both of his sparkling eyes wide open. Suddenly you heard a car door shut in your driveway. You rushed to the window, worried that your dad had tried to play the unwell card and get out of work. There was a white limo in the driveway and Veronica was approaching your front door.

"Is it your dad?"

"No, it's Veronica."

He looked at you dubiously as the doorbell rang.

"I'll be right back." You hoped he'd stay and not just take off as you rushed to the front room.

"Hey Veronica, what are-" She placed an emerald green bag that had Greendale Costumer written in fancy gold letters into your arms.

"Special delivery." She smiled.

"Thank you." You pulled the dress slightly out of the bag and were immediately astonished. "Wow, it's..."

"Out of this world? Yeah, Betty and I are totally ecstatic with our costumes too."

"I don't know what to say. I really appreciate the dress and it's so nice of you to bring it over."

"Of course. So just tell me. Are you going to be at Cheryl's party? You can't let this dress go to waste." She smiled widely.

You broke into a smile. "Yes."

She clapped her hands together. "Yes girl. Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

You shut the front door and started back to your room, happy to see Jughead leaning in the doorway, looking spectacular in his leather Serpent jacket. He eyed the bag you were grasping, and you started to feel a little embarrassed.

 He eyed the bag you were grasping, and you started to feel a little embarrassed

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"What's that?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Oh, come on, what is it super top secret?"

"No... "

He tilted his head. "Okay."

"It's just a dress." You pulled it out and showed him to avoid more unease.

"Ah, Veronica reigning you in with presents. That seems to be her thing."

"I'll pay her back eventually, and her and Betty ordered costumes from the same place. So, it ended up being a good deal in the end."

"Costumes." He looked peeved. "So, you are going to Cheryl's party?"

You swallowed, not wanting to disappoint him. "I guess." You said softly. He seemed to think for a moment.

"Well, I am not wearing a costume." He said finally.

You smiled. "You'll go?"

He grimaced. "I suppose so. But I am just going for the food."

You chuckled. "So how have things been going with the Serpents?" You questioned as you hung the dress up in your closet.

"It's been a chaotic state of affairs. There are some Serpents that are mad about my presence. Especially me trying to lead them."

You sat next to him on the edge of the bed. "But your father was Serpent King, I thought that would be taken into consideration."

"Yeah, and with a lot of members that does hold weight. But with some people, such as Tallboy, he didn't like the way my dad was doing things in the first place. So, he's kind of just looking for total anarchy." His knee pressed against yours. "I need to figure out some kind of peace treaty with the ghoulies before things get out of hand."

"Peace treaty? Do you really think that's feasible?"

He bit his lip. "I need to try."

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