Chapter 11

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You tried to stifle your smile as you walked through the door. Jughead had walked you home after hours of analyzing information together. He'd bid you goodnight with a dazzling smile, and said he'd see you the next day. Perhaps you would never be with him romantically, but you were just grateful for the friendship that was seemingly developing.

You were relieved to see your father already passed out cold on the couch. You tiptoed quietly towards the kitchen, looking up when a stack of paper bound by a binder clip caught on your backpack, falling to the ground. You father grunted momentarily before his raucous snoring resumed. Returning the stack to its spot on the table you read the cover page, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL- LOCKHEED PYRON MANAGEMENT ONLY. Intrigued you flipped to the next page titled, Lockheed Pyron- Plans for a Bright Future. You took a step closer to the light above the, oven, the only source of luminescence currently on. You gulped glancing at the table of contents, then speedily skimmed through various pages, swiftly taking out your phone and taking photos of the most bizarre pages.

You couldn't sleep all night after what you saw and were anxious to tell Jughead. You got up twenty minutes before your alarm even went off and were soon out the door. You ran up the stairs to the projection room and knocked gently. You heard some rustling and footsteps before Jughead finally appeared in the doorway. It was the first time you'd seen him without his beanie, his dark locks were a delicious mess, pieces falling over his eyes.

"I am sorry if I woke you, but you'll never believe this." You told him about the stack of papers as he put on a pot of coffee. Then you began going through the pictures on your phone, his eyes widened with every swipe.

"Oh geez, this is insane." He rubbed his eyes.

"And look here," you pointed. "Blossom Maple Farms is one of their top investors.

He shook his head. "Jason might have found out about something illegal that was going on there, or just plain immoral. His murder may have been to silence him."

After he got ready in the drive-in bathroom, the two of you walked to school together. He had his beanie back securely on his head and was going off with a barrage of theories the new knowledge had inspired.

"Meet me in the library at lunch." He tapped your arm before heading off.


"Look at the history of this land." He sat right beside you at a library table. "There has been something malignant going on there ever since this town began. This new factory cannot be a coincidence." He looked down at the book in front on you. His every word tingling your ear. "The Blossom Pumpkin Patch starts next week. Should we use it as a front to do some sleuthing?"

 Should we use it as a front to do some sleuthing?"

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"Sounds good to me." You replied trying not to blush at how amazing the proximity of him felt.

"Great, we'll go Saturday. The night after this town's very last drive-in." 

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now