Chapter 87

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You sat beside him on the bed as he opened the book. Looking forward to meeting you in December. -Hikaru Enomoto.

"A signed copy. He sent this specially to your dad. Clearly he has a lot more knowledge and is in deeper than you thought."

You shook your head. "I just can't see my dad being that clever or trusted to be a significant part of this."

Jughead pulled out one of the leaflets. Phase 3: Prison. Jughead skimmed through it. "What the hell? Lockheed is planning on building a prison on the Southside. Hiram Lodge is funding it, a for profit prison, which means he is also part of this bigger plan. I mean it makes perfect sense." He looked up at you. "Accidents and mysterious deaths are aplenty in prisons. They would have an endless supply of people to experiment on with their new twisted technologies, and no one would ever know."

"It just keeps getting crazier."

"You realize that your dad could literally be speaking with this Enomoto figure right this moment?"

"I mean he's probably three sheets to the wind right now, it's after midnight in Tokyo. But yeah. I mean the book with a personalized signature, the information they've divulged to him. He's obviously higher up than I envisioned."

He placed all the paperwork back inside and handed you the book. "I'd like you to start packing your stuff tonight. I'll help you."


He placed his hand on your thigh and looked at you seriously. "Your dad gets back in two days. You are not going to be here when that happens."

"It's not that simple."

"It is." He said firmly.


"Will you please just get together the things that are most important to you?"

"Sure." You wrapped your arms around Jughead. "Okay, I've got everything."

He chuckled slightly, leaning down to kiss you. "Seriously though." He looked you at somberly. "I'll just go raid the kitchen." He winked.

You pulled out a few bags and suitcases, feeling like an idiot. You didn't have some magical palace to run away to, and you weren't just going to be a burden living in a one-bedroom trailer with Jughead and his dad. That would be one way to make FP despise you fast. Still, you packed your favorite books, clothes, and trinkets, not wanting to disappoint Jughead.

He came back in about twenty minutes later. "Your cupboards and fridge are barren. Did your dad even leave you money for groceries?"

You looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "Definitely not. And most of my childhood the kitchen has been barren, while the liquor cabinet is ample. I can figure something out for us though." You started to get up.

"No. I got it." He got down on his knees on the floor next to you, kissing you on the cheek. "Life isn't going to be like this for you anymore. I promise."


You woke up the next morning to your alarm going off. Jughead was cuddled up next to you, his hot breath against your neck, feeling amazing in contrast to the chilly temperature. You'd fallen asleep after having eaten a mostly rehydrated dinner, that somehow Jughead had made taste good, and then watching a few of his favorite X-Files episodes. You felt irritated when Jughead's arm slipped away from your waist, it felt as if it was just meant to be there. He rubbed his eyes and reached for his phone. You shut your alarm off, burrowing deeper into the blanket.

"There's nothing on the website about it being canceled. I guess we do have to go to school today." Jughead turned and placed his phone back on the nightstand. You promptly grabbed hold of him and began spooning him. "Hey, don't make me late for my first day back." He giggled. You kissed the back of his arm before releasing him.

Most of the sidewalks had been salted but you still had to watch your step on the way to school. Jughead held your hand right to the point where he got to his locker. He gave you a small kiss and bid you goodbye before you went your separate ways. You spent lunch with Sweet Pea and Fangs. Strangely, Toni, Veronica, and Jughead were nowhere to be seen. When you got to English Jughead was already in his seat, he turned and gave you charming smile before Mrs. Shea began her lecture. After class he put his arm around you in the hall. "Hey, have you talked to Cheryl yet today?"

"No, what's going on?"

"She said she needs to talk to you. If you can go to Thistlehouse after school around 4:30pm?"

"I'll just catch her before she leaves."

"No, just meet her at 4:30

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"No, just meet her at 4:30."

"Okay?" You looked at him incredulously.

"You want to grab a quick bite at Pop's, on me."

"I don't even know how you have money."

"I have my ways, my darling." He declared with a chuckle and a wink.

"You're so weird."

"I thought you liked that."

"Oh, I do." You placed a kiss on his lips.

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