Chapter 86

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His sentence was interrupted by a booming thud against your back door. He jerked his head in its direction, a look of worry upon his face. He gestured for you to stay there, while he slowly approached the door. The thud happened again. Jughead took out his switchblade, immediately extracting the blade. You threw your camisole and blouse back on, edging yourself closer to your father's room, ready to obtain a gun. Jughead took a quick look out the peephole before another thud occurred. He stood beside the door, extracting his phone. "I'm calling 911. Do you know where any of your dad's guns are?" You nodded before rushing into the master bedroom.

You went into the camera bag under your father's bed, retrieving a 9mm Beretta, you were searching around for a magazine when you extracted a copy of Enomoto's book that looked like a special edition with several leaflets tucked inside. You tossed it on top of the bed, your immediate mission to load the weapon.

You went back into the living room with the pistol fully loaded and ready to go. The thud happened again, and then again. Jughead hung up. "They're on the way."

"What do you see out there?"

"Some crazy guy who just keeps slamming himself into the door. But it doesn't seem like he's putting in that much effort in. It's kind of just zombie like. But eventually the door will give." He quickly pulled his tank top back on, flinging the flannel over it, but not bothering to button it. He then placed his beanie back on his head.

You looked at him concerned. Was this Lockheed Pyron's doing?

There were a few more thuds. You saw wood start to splinter off of the door just as sirens were heard in the distance. You were relieved to see the flashing blue lights flickering through the front windows. You opened the front door and saw the squad car parked on the street, snow chains adorning its tires. You wondered how they had gotten there so fast; they must have already been in the area. "Is he still out back?" One of the deputies called as they ran up the drive.


They both made a beeline towards the back of your house. You heard a ruckus ensue as the deputies struggled to detain the man. One of them was eventually forced to use his taser on the perpetrator. Once they had the man in the back of the cruiser Sheriff Keller came back to ask some questions.

"What was wrong with him?" Jughead questioned.

"Drugs, a bad batch, a bad reaction. Who knows? But we've had a few similar calls this past week." He turned his attention to you. "Your dad's not home?"

"No, he's at a work conference."

Keller nodded as he walked over to the back door and examined it. "This door is going to need replaced." He ran his hand over a couple of spots. "Looks like there was previous damage that's been patched up." He said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, this place was sort of a fixer upper when we moved in."

The Sheriff gave you a dubious look.

"Any ideas where these drugs are coming from?" Jughead interceded.

"We're working on it." Keller handed you his card. "If you see anything suspicious, give me a call."

"Okay, thank you." You said looking down at the card. His eyes darted between you and Jughead before he nodded and exited out the front door.

You locked the front door and took a deep breath. Jughead came over and gave you a hug. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yes." He kissed your forehead. "This town keeps getting crazier and crazier." He walked over to the back door and studied it. "You said Sweet Pea mended this up last time."


"Poor door can't get a break."

You laughed. "Which reminds me, when I went to Sweet Pea's place, his fridge didn't work, there were no lights on. I don't even know if he had electricity. I wonder if he even has heat right now."

"You and Sweet Pea got close while we were broken up." He seemed to speak it as a statement rather than a question.

"Not particularly. I mean he's a good friend and well aside from saving me; he gave me rides to and from the hospital so I could see you, he was supportive, and the night you woke up he distracted the nurse so I could sneak in to see you."

"Aside from saving you." He repeated, exhaling deeply.

You tilted your head. "I mean, I'll be forever grateful for what he did."

"I should have been there."

"Jughead, you were in a coma."

He bit his cheek. "Is there anything else you want to tell me? Since there are no secrets between us anymore."

You shrugged. "Not that I can think of."

"I just..."


"Do you have feelings for Sweet Pea?" He looked sullen.

"How can you even ask me that? You know you are the only person for me."

"I broke up with you. He was there. I don't know. And it seems like you spent a bit of time together. You were in his place."

"For like a couple of minutes. Sweet Pea is big on loyalty. He's loyal to you. I'm devotedly loyal to you."

"Okay." He gave you a small smile.

"Jughead, I found something in my dad's room."

"Oh..." He looked down at the stove. You swore you saw him blushing.

"A copy of Enomoto's book." You said rapidly. "With some pamphlets in it."

"What?" He looked up. "Really?"

"Yes. I'll go get it." When you came back, he was still just standing in the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I thought you knew me." He frowned teasingly. "But that can wait. Let me see."

You handed him the special edition. "Let's go to my room."

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