Chapter 47

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"I've worked my ass for fifteen years so you can just sit around here doing nothing!"

"I am doing my homework." He grabbed your arm aggressively and snatched the poster from your desk ripping it into smithereens. "Think you can get smart with me!" You looked down at the destroyed project. "You pay attention to me when I am talking to you!" He shrieked, squeezing your arm remorselessly. He berated you for what seemed like the next hour until he finally decided it was time to go back in the kitchen and fetch himself another drink. You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard the television come on, anything to get his attention off you was welcomed.

You tried to withhold your tears as you fell to your knees, starting to pick up the ripped pieces of the project you'd been working on the last two weeks. Veronica would never forgive you for dragging her grade down. You panicked trying to think of solutions. Why had you agreed to put the final touches on the poster, while she tidied up the report portion. You felt like an idiot now. You could have easily printed out another paper, but redoing the whole board was going to be a huge task. You set an alarm for three hours earlier. You hoped the school library would be unlocked that early as you would need access to a printer. You never were able to sleep that night. When your alarm started going off, you dragged yourself out of bed reluctantly. It was going to be a grueling day.


"Let me see." Veronica urged as carried the poster into Chemistry class. She nodded her head. She had a box filled with different metals in front of her to enhance the presentation. You sat begrudgingly as the other pairs presented their projects. You hoped that the bell would somehow ring before the teacher could get to you, but before you knew it, you and Veronica were standing in front of the class.

"Metals are good thermal and electrical conductors. At room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, metals tend to be solids." Veronica plastered a big smile on her face. "Except for mercury, which is a liquid. Metals are usually ductile, malleable, shiny, and can form alloys with other metals."


"Meet me under the bleachers after school." Cheryl insisted when she saw you in the hallway.


You made your way to the bleachers after the final bell rang, hesitant to find out what Cheryl's intentions may be. You were relieved to see it was just her standing impatiently in a pair of red knee-high boots that matched her swanky coat.

"I hope I don't regret this." She started. "But if my JJ was murdered for what he knew, then it is my duty to have that truth come to light." She looked up, placing her fingers on her chin. "Jason said something to me the night before I was going to help him runaway with Polly."

You gave her a moment, but she didn't continue. "What did he say?"

"That something awful is going to happen in this town. That no one could ever imagine the horrors that await." He was really upset, and he refused to divulge details because he thought it could put me in danger. When I found out about the drug operation, I figured that was it. That's what had Jason so upset. The reason my father murdered him in cold blood." A tear fell from her eye. She swiped it away and a look of anger surfaced. "But he was so upset that night. And after what you told me. I thought it all over again, and I think you must be right. He knew something of remarkable magnitude."

You nodded. "There is something else you should know. We found a Pyron keycard with your father's name on it. His title being a Biomaterials Developer."

She considered this for a moment. "I'll do some sleuthing in my father's office while my mother is off doing unscrupulous things." She pulled out her phone. "Give me your number."


You sat in the park across the street from the school waiting for Jughead to show up

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You sat in the park across the street from the school waiting for Jughead to show up. A smile appeared on your face as soon as you heard the familiar motorcycle in the distance. You beamed as he dismounted, taking off his helmet, revealing his sultry locks. You rushed into his arms, giving him a kiss on the cheek as you withdrew. He smiled bashfully.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He said as he pulled his beanie on. You guys sat down on the loan picnic bench, him slipping his arm around your lower back.

"So, you'll never guess who asked me to meet them under the bleachers today."


"No." You crinkled your face and elbowed him playfully in the side. "Cheryl."

His eyes widened. "Yeah? What did she say." You told him all about the conversation and you could tell he was getting excited to get back on the case. "Hopefully Cheryl will find something." He started telling you about an article he was writing for the Red and Black. You covered your mouth as you yawned.

"Am I boring you?" He joked.

"No." You chuckled. "I just didn't really get any sleep last night."

"Do you want to go to Pop's and get some coffee?"

"You know, it's kind of at the point where I feel so tired, I think coffee would just make me nauseous."

"Do you want me to take you home so you can get some sleep?"

"No. I haven't seen you in two days."

"Well... how about we go back to my place. I can cook us an early dinner and then we can catch up on some sleep. I've been pretty exhausted lately too."

"Cook for us?"

He smirked. "Yeah, that's what I said. I picked up a few things at the grocery store last night. I was going to try my hand at a carbonara." You looked at him like he was gaga. "What? I'm serious." This time he elbowed you. "Have some faith in me jeez."

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