Chapter 72

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Cheryl put the pedal to the medal, steering the Impala precariously to the destination. She quickly pulled off the side of the highway as soon as she hit mile marker 22, the car bumping riotously on the grass and rocks. You guys all ran after Toni who was leading you closer to the docks, you came across a clearing that was littered with cans and food wrappers. There was a makeshift firepit that still held red coals within.

"This is where they were." Toni took a deep breath. "They obviously just left. Spread out!"

You all branched off in different directions, calling out Jughead's name. You soon heard Sweet Pea's voice in the distance along with another male, possibly FP, also shouting out in search of him.

"Jughead!" You cried, forcing your way through vines, shakily holding your flashlight. You tripped over a log, bringing you to your knees. Your flashlight set alight a small basin down below. You panicked seeing a green object reflected from the light. It was a Serpent jacket, you stumbled down the slope hurriedly, soon seeing Jughead's body beside it, lying face down in the mire. "Oh my god, Jughead." You carefully turned him over, revealing his badly bludgeoned face. A chunk of his upper arm was missing, where his Serpent tattoo had been and there was blood encircling the ground beneath his head. He was completely limp and unresponsive. "You guys over here!" You shouted as loudly as you could, tears already drowning your vison. You bent down and attempted to discern a pulse. It was extremely faint, but it was there.

FP emerged from the bushes, his face falling as he saw the sight you were leaning over

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FP emerged from the bushes, his face falling as he saw the sight you were leaning over. He fell to his knees examining him for a moment before he scooped him into his arms and got up, quickly threading towards the road. You followed by his side, seeing tears fall from his eyes as he carried his listless son to Sweet Pea's van. Sweet Pea's face turned to outrage and dismay as he saw Jughead.

"We need to get him to the hospital now!" FP demanded. He crawled into the backseat, pulling Jughead's head onto his lap as Sweet Pea started the van. You hopped into the passenger seat trying to contain your weeping as Sweet Pea raced to the hospital. You quickly called Toni and let her know that you'd found Jughead and were on your way to Riverdale General.


You sat in the hospital for hours, imploring the Universe to let Jughead be okay. He couldn't be taken from this world, he simply couldn't. Everyone sat in the waiting room speechless. Fangs, Archie, and his father had also shown up, their distress clearly displayed on their faces. A doctor came out around 1:00am triggering both you and FP to stand up rapidly. The doctor had a grave expression. "We've stabilized the bleeding, but he sustained severe blunt trauma to the head and remains in a coma."

"Well, is he going to wake up? Is my boy going to be okay?" FP implored.

The doctor frowned. "Unfortunately, it's impossible to accurately predict anything in these circumstances. How long the coma will last, whether they'll have any long-term problems, chances of recovery. There are just so many factors and it just varies so much in every case."

"Well can we see him?" Archie asked standing up.

"Direct family only for right now." The doctor countered. "Visiting hours start at nine, you can come back then."

You sat back down as the doctor led FP down the hall. Veronica came and sat next to you, placing her hand on your knee. "Jughead's a fighter. He'll pull through this." Toni nodded in agreement. "We should get back to Cheryl's, try to get some rest."

"No, I am not leaving." You said defensively.

"It makes no sense for you to just sit here all night. We-"

"What if he wakes up? What if he takes a turn for the worse? I am staying here." You said decisively. The group all exchanged looks with each other as if deciding what to do.

"I'll stay here too." Sweet Pea finally said. "And I'll give you a ride back home or to school, whatever you want, after you're able to see him."

You took a deep breath, struggling to maintain your composure. "Thank you, Sweet Pea."

Cheryl stood up and placed her hand on your shoulder. "Call us if you need anything."

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