Chapter 7

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You'd thrown on a pair of ripped up jeans and a Van Halen tee, figuring you would just be sitting on the grass anyways. When you got to the drive-in you were surprised to only see a few cars in the field even though the movie was due to start in a couple minutes. You saw a biker couple on the sloped area and headed that way feeling out of place. They gave you strange glances, whispering amongst themselves. You were relieved when the movie finally started projecting on the screen. About twenty minutes in you decided to go over to the concession booth and get a drink. You knew you shouldn't have been spending any money, but you were hoping to have another interaction with Jughead.

After the little rendezvous in the closet the night before, he had disappeared, leaving you to spend the rest of the night listening to Betty and Veronica talk about how awesome Archie was. You tried to hide your disappointment when you reached the counter and saw a blonde boy working it. You grabbed your drink and started to head back to your seat when you heard him call your name. His voice was unmistakable. A small smile crept upon your lips that you quickly snuffed before turning around.

"Hey, you made it."


"How is it?" He looked at you pensively.

"Good." You began to feel raindrops hitting you. "I am surprised it's not busier."

"Yeah." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Business hasn't been the best lately." The rain picked up quickly, the biker couple mounting their ride and peeling off. He put his hands up. "And I guess the rain gods want to keep it that way."

You felt uncomfortable as the rain pelted your hair and face. Knowing it would turn your hair into a frizzy wreck and smear your makeup revealing your imperfections.

"Why don't you come up to the projection room until this passes? I can show you where all the magic happens." He smirked.

"Sure." You followed him up the stairs where you entered a small room with a bunch of equipment you were unfamiliar with. You noticed a twin bed and a pile of Jugheads clothes on one side of the room, making it look as if he lived there. He must have noticed your observation.

"Yeah, I take my job really seriously." He shrugged before he started telling you the ins and outs of classic projection and how you probably wouldn't ever find stuff like this anywhere but a museum nowadays.

"So how are you liking Riverdale so far?"

"It's nice." You felt nauseous trying to make conversation. You didn't want to make an idiot of yourself and have him never want to speak to you again.

"Nice?" He chuckled. "With Jason having been found with a gunshot wound to the head and all the backstabbing and corruption that goes on, nice isn't exactly a word I would associate with Riverdale."

You laughed nervously not knowing how to respond. He looked at you strangely and gestured towards the bed. "Sit down." You sat on the edge of the bed feeling a bit uncomfortable. He took a seat a couple feet away.

"Sorry your dreams of the perfect first drive-in experience were ruined."

"They weren't."

He pulled a tin of liquorice from his pocket. "Want one?"

"I am good thanks."

"You don't like liquorice? Now that's weird

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"You don't like liquorice? Now that's weird." He smiled, popping one is his mouth, even his chewing madly adorable. "So how much have you spoken to Cheryl since you've been here?"

"Not really at all."

He cocked his head examining you, a look of disappointment overcoming his features when you didn't continue.

"Why do you ask?"

'Well, you were at her party."

"So, you were you. Are you and Cheryl close?"

He laughed. "That would be the day. Honestly... you remember the story I am working on?"


"All the evidence, my gut feeling, just everything is making me believe the Blossoms are hiding something."

"You think they may have been involved in Jason's death?"

"I don't think it is outside the realm of possibility."

"Wait is that why you were at that party?"

"You caught me. Thornhill is literally a labyrinth of secrets, there must be something there that would lead to the truth. Although I didn't get much chance to explore thanks to getting roped into Cheryl's little games."

He proceeded to tell you all his different theories and wanted to hear your opinion on them; thinking perhaps an outsider to Riverdale may be able to put together something that may have been overlooked. You became slightly more comfortable talking to him as the night went by. You ended up sitting up against the wall, your legs pressed against each others, as he showed you videos and articles on his laptop that had led to his assertions.

"Jughead?" A blonde boy called from the stairwell.

"Yeah Button?"

The blonde boy from the concession stand stepped inside. "Is everything okay? I thought it was weird when you didn't come down to salvage the leftover food."

"Guess the time got away from me."

"Well, I saved you some hotdogs and popcorn." He sat a bag on the cluttered desk near the entryway.

"My savior." Jug smiled widely.

You pulled out your phone to check the time immediately causing panic to rise in your stomach. 10:57pm. "I have to go."

"What's wrong?"

"I just need to get home before my dad, or he will literally freak out. I have no idea how it got this late."

"Okay, I'll walk you." Jughead looked surprised, probably as he thought you were overreacting.

"No." You rebuffed. He looked confused. "No, it's okay, but thank you. I just need to go."


You were already sprinting down the stairs before he could finish his sentence.

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now