Chapter 82

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You nervously made your way to Jughead's trailer. You weren't sure how he was going to react. You wanted to let him rest, but you couldn't put this off any longer. You took a deep breath and knocked firmly on his door. A few seconds later the door was pulled partially open, and you saw Jughead standing there, his hair set free of the beanie. Your heart immediately began beating hysterically.

"I was hoping you'd come by." He said impassively. His eyes flickering between the ground and your face. He opened the door the rest of the way gesturing for you to come in.

"Jughead, I..." You looked at his gorgeous face, his dazzling eyes, his chapped but captivating lips. You completely lost your train of thought, placing your hands on the side of his face and bringing your lips to his. He kissed you back passionately, his arms embracing you. When you pulled away you saw tears swimming in his eyes.

"Are you ready to be honest with me?" He asked.

"Yes." You responded timidly. He placed his hands on the sides of your arms and looked at you earnestly.

"I don't want to upset you when you're still recovering."

"I'm good." He gave a small smile, stroking your cheek with the back of his index finger.

"I..." Your voice cracked. He rubbed your arms. You exhaled. "It's... I don't even know where I should start. I just want you to promise that you will keep this between us. That you won't try to do anything about it." He cocked his head, looking at you curiously. "I mean you remember when you were living at the drive-in and then at the school, I kept your secret. Even if I thought there might have been something I could have done to help. You didn't want that, so I respected you."

"Okay, yeah." He moved his hands to yours.

"So, you promise?"


"My dad's a violent person."

"Violent in what way?"

You looked up at him. "Jug..."

"You don't mean..." His expression turned partly rageful, partly distraught.

"Yes, it's something I've been dealing with for a long time. Shortly after my mother died, he just turned into a different person. Everything sets him off; me coming home late, leaving a drink ring on the table. A guy in my life would definitely have sent him flying off the edge. He blames me for everything wrong in his life. He-"

"Are you saying he hits you? That those bruises were..." His breathing was accelerated, his fists clenched.

"Hey just..." This was exactly what you didn't want. He didn't need to be getting so worked up in his current state. "Sit down." You pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and to your surprise he actually did sit. He clasped his hands together and put them to his mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But it's complicated. One, I didn't want to upset you. I didn't want to put you in a position to where you know, when there is nothing that can be done about it. My father is stubborn and proud, and he would just take me and himself out before he'd ever be threatened or blackmailed. He's pointed a gun at me before." You saw Jughead look up in disbelief at this comment. "Just to terrorize me I feel, but I'm sure one day he'll actually snap. Mostly he breaks my stuff or hits me once or twice. But certain things really set him off. If he knew we were together... And, I didn't want you to think that going to someone would be the right answer. I know you got lucky and got set up with a nice foster family, but that's not normally the case, and it's different for girls. You don't even want to know all the horrible stories I've heard about girls going into the system. And also, it's just plain embarrassing. I didn't want you to see me as some victim. As weak, some pathetic person." You began to cry.

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