Chapter 12

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You'd spent lunch with Jughead most of that week, aside from one day where Archie had an emergency he'd needed his help with. Friday morning you could have almost sworn that Veronica had given you a slight smile in the hall, but you didn't dare try to approach her, especially with Betty by her side. You had on a nice pair of dark green pants and a lacey flowing shirt with combat boots in preparation for the drive-in later that night.

Cars lined every cranny of the field on that bittersweet night; the town really coming together for the last movie ever played on that historic outdoor screen. Many perhaps for the nostalgia, others to experience something they may never again in their lifetime. The sloped area was packed with bikers, many of them wearing South Side Serpents jackets. You got some seriously strange looks as you approached and selected a spot in the grass.

Two older men looked you up and down with a scowl while a girl with magenta in her hair gave you a quasi-smile. You breathed in the night air, looking forward to the night, as well as the next day where you'd be going to the pumpkin patch with Jughead. Yes, it was strictly for investigation reasons, but it would still be amazing for you. Not to mention your father was away for a seminar in NYC for the next week so you wouldn't have so much anxiety weighing you down. The lights dimmed as American Graffiti flashed onto the screen, a cheer erupting from the crowd, a slew of horns honking. 

Veronica stood up halfway through the movie yelling something at the bikers. Kevin from your history class turned around and pointed at you, causing a look of shock on both of their faces. You decide it is time for a restroom break and make your way across the field. When you get out of the restroom Kevin is standing there.

"What are you doing here?"

"Watching the movie?"

"Hanging out with the Serpents?"

"I don't even know them, but I don't have a car-"

"They are bad news. I'd invite you to come back and sit with us, but Betty just joined us so I'm not sure it would be the best idea..."

"It's fine Kevin." You caught him staring behind you at a serpent around your age who seemed to be just as fascinated by him.

"I got to go. Just be careful." He cautioned before heading towards the concession stand.

After the movie you wanted to go see Jughead but were reluctant. You didn't want him to think you were some clingy stalker. You watched the credits, then took your time getting up and treading across the field. You were overjoyed when you saw Jughead smile at you from near the concession stand.

"And just like that, it's the end of an era." He exclaimed. He held two trays of cheese fries and a bag filled with various candies and snacks. "Do you want to help me with these?" He held the fries up.

You went up to the projection room and shared the fries while exchanging witty comments about the movie. Eventually the fries and conversation ran out and a sullen look snuck onto his face.

"Jughead?" You dared to place your hand over his knee. He looked surprised. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I am mean yeah. I am going to miss this place. I feel like a good portion of my childhood memories are literally being demolished but... I'll be fine."

"I mean... do you have somewhere else to go?" You bit your lip as I gazed over at his pile of belongings.

He looked down, tinges of red playing on his cheeks. "So, you figured it out."

"I mean it's pretty obvious."

"Well, you can't tell anyone

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"Well, you can't tell anyone." A hint of wrath crept into his voice. You removed your hand from his knee and clasped your hands on your lap.

"I won't."

"I'm serious. Not Veronica, not Betty, especially not Archie."



"Yes okay. I promise. I won't tell anyone."

He exhaled and placed his hands on the sides of his head. "I'll figure something out. I always do."

Your phone buzzed. Your father was checking in on you from his seminar. "Sorry, it's my father." 'Everything is good here. Just studying.' You always tried to respond as promptly as possible, knowing any delay could cause his paranoid rage to overreact.

Jughead met your eyes as you looked up from your phone, as if searching for some answer. "You seem so fearful of your dad. Is he really that awful?"

You broke eye contact as you took a deep breathe. "Yes." You said after a moment, once again meeting his gaze. "He has a drinking problem and it..." You struggled to find the words. You didn't want to overshare; you found the whole situation at home humiliating.

"I get it." His eyes articulated everything. He did understand and there was no need for you to explain anything further.

Bad Beat Jackpot (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now