Chapter 25

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You had waited until the bleachers cleared out and then climbed to the top to continue your conversation. You talked about going to Pop's to warm up and get something to eat but decided to wait a bit as you both knew it would be jam-packed immediately after the game. There were a lot of visible stars out that night, and Jughead seemed to be an expert in the various constellations.

"See, that one," he pointed. "Is Cassiopeia."

"What? I've never even heard of that one."

"The woman sitting on the chair. You see it?"

"Uh..." you laughed. He nudged you and started laughing too. You fell silent and momentarily looked at each other.

He looked away, picking a piece of fluff off his pants. "I came across this writing contest the other day. It's for a paranormal horror anthology. The winner gets $1,500 and a week writer's workshop in Vermont. I think you should consider submitting one of your pieces."

"My writings not good enough for that."

"Yes, it is."

"Betty hated my writing. She said it was distasteful."

"Oooh Betty said." He spoke sardonically. "She just has absolute reign over what is good writing or not." He rubbed his hands together and exhaled on them, before stuffing them back into his pockets. "I am guessing she just didn't like the 'just desserts' aspect of a lot of your short stories. Also, Betty has never been a fan of the paranormal. Ghosts, aliens, magic, she thinks it's all a bunch of nonsense. She likes to see the world as a plainer place. I personally love your writing. It evokes contemplation, and at times it does make you uncomfortable, but in a way that good writing should."

"That's kind of you to say." Did he just say he loved your writing? Your heart was soaring.

"It's just the truth." An accosting breeze came by causing his teeth to chatter.

"Maybe it's time we head over to Pop's."


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You sat opposite each other with identical orders of food in front of you. Cheeseburger, onion rings, a chocolate shake, and black coffee. You wouldn't normally have drunk coffee so late, but you had something to stay up for. The only other people in Pop's made their way out the door.

"Guess it's just you night owls." Pop laughed.

"Yeah Pop." Jughead smirked. Pop disappeared into the back while you and Jughead enjoyed your food. He ended up polishing off his coffee. "I need another cup. I am so beat."

"Well, it is nearly three in the morning. I hope I am not keeping you up."

"No." He looked at you like you were crazy. "But I may or may not have stayed up the last few nights until 4:00am playing Darksiders. But I need more coffee, because tonight we are hanging out."


Somehow you had let him convince you to go back to Archie's place

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Somehow you had let him convince you to go back to Archie's place. Archie was over at Veronica's, you were tired, and the cold walk back home had just seemed miserable at nearly four in the morning. You ended up playing videogames on a shared bean bag and then raiding the kitchen for a snack right before sunrise.

"You can take the bed." He slid down a small air mattress that had been propped against the wall.

"I am not going to sleep in Archie's bed."

"It's fine."

"No, that would be weird."

"Oh yeah, would you rather take my air mattress?" He stretched his back, making a pained face.

"Yeah, I would."

"Be my guest." He gestured, before hopping onto Archie's bed. The lights were already off, but the room was illuminated by the morning rays of sun. You were disappointed with the sleeping arrangements. You wanted so badly to be near him, but you really couldn't come up with any logical justification without being obvious.

You felt like you couldn't have been asleep for more than half an hour when Archie strolled in. You opened your eyes when you heard the door squeak open, partially sitting up.

"Jughead. Why the hell are you in my bed?"

Jughead sat up, his hair a wild mess, sleepiness permeating his voice. "Archie... I thought you were staying at Veronica's?" Archie looked over at you with a perplexed expression.

"I was... and then I snuck out before her mom woke up." He shook his head. "What the hell dude?"

"Okay, okay. Calm down." He pulled off the blanket in the midst of a yawn. Suddenly you felt his arm go around you as the air mattress simultaneously bounced from him leaping on. "I got to hang on to you or I will bounce you right off this apparatus." He laughed against your back, causing you to start giggling. You figured he must have been delirious from lack of sleep the last few nights, but you certainly didn't mind.

"Are you guys high?" Archie muttered before collapsing into his bed.

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