Chapter 91

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You felt weird seeing Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs the next morning. They hadn't said anything to you after your dad's little debacle and you really weren't up for talking about it.

"Did I miss anything fun last night?" Cheryl said taking a seat next to Toni on the picnic table.

"Not particularly." Fangs responded.

"I told you Cheryl. It was just a run of the mill birthday party. Lots of drinking and some idiocy."

Sweet Pea looked at you grimly before looking back towards the others. Was he angry at you for what your father had said?

"Where's Jughead?" Toni asked.

"He's finishing up an article for the Blue and Gold." You disclosed. A few moments later you started towards your locker. When you arrived, you realized that your locker had been vandalized. Several people, including Veronica, were beginning to gather around and examine the locker, many chuckling and whispering amongst themselves. Your locker had been defaced with red spray paint. SERPENT WHORE, YOU'RE DEAD.

Veroncia came up and put her arm around you. "People are idiots." She stated.

You saw Jughead turn the corner, his attention turning to what everyone else's eyes were on. He took you from Veronica and glared at the crowd surrounding you. "What's so interesting?" He shouted. A few people walked off, or at least stopped staring for a moment. "What's your locker code?" He asked. You told him before he gestured for you to step back before he opened the locker. The inside seemed undisturbed. He shuffled through a few things making sure there weren't any bizarre surprises such as poisonous snakes or decapitated fingers. You just never knew in Riverdale.

Jughead led you into an empty classroom

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Jughead led you into an empty classroom. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine it was just some stupid spray-paint."

"I can't believe your dad snuck into the school afterhours just to harass you."

"What? My dad? How would he even know which locker was mine? This had to be someone else."

Jughead looked surprised. "Who do you think it was then?"

"I don't know. Maybe some Serpent that is angry about the things my dad said. That doesn't think I belong and is trying to scare me off."

"No." He shook his head. "I don't... I refuse to believe that." You caught Reggie and some other jock pointing at you through the door window and snickering. You rolled your eyes. Jughead turned and glowered at them. They quickly dashed off. "I'll do some asking around. See if anyone's heard anything."

"It's really not a big deal Jughead. I just want you to focus on your classes." You put your arms around his neck. "Make sure Dartmouth can't refuse you."

"Oh, I can do both." He smiled before giving you a kiss. The first bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

"Okay." You exchanged a warm hug before going your sperate ways in the hall.

It was at the beginning of fourth period that an announcement came over the loudspeakers summoning you to the front office. You walked over expecting to be questioned about your locker, but when you stepped into the office a most awful nightmare was revealed. Your father stood speaking to Ms. Bell, all smiles and charm. You considered making a run for it, but both of their eyes were already on you.

"Thank you." Your father said cordially to Ms. Bell. "We better get going now." As you stepped into the hall he clutched onto your arm like a demented crab. "You are in for a rude awakening." He hissed. "After everything I've done for you. You think you can just embarrass me? Renounce me?" He laughed. "Your life as you know it is over. We are moving back to Colorado, and you will not do a single thing aside from study. You are such an embarrassment and disappointment. You are lucky I just don't take you out of this world. Well, I still just might. You better be walking on some serious eggshells because after what you-"

He fell silent as a classroom door opened. You saw Fangs walk out and look at the both of you strangely. You looked at him pleadingly, but there was nothing he could do. You would never get away from your tormentor. He would torture you and wreck your life before he ultimately ended it. That was the fate you were destined for. Your father didn't speak again until he'd shoved you in the car and shut the doors, where he just continued with a similar tirade.

When you arrived in the driveway, he backhanded you ferociously. "Give me your phone." He bellowed. You fumbled in your pocket quickly retrieving the phone before he could get irater. He placed the phone in his pants pocket. "Get all of your shit packed now. I want to be on the road by tonight." You rushed into your room, tears streaming down your cheeks as you thoughtlessly threw stuff in boxes. What choice did you have? You looked at the window longingly. Maybe you should just run. Run, run, and never look back. What could be worse than the alternative? You were never going to see Jughead again. Your father was going to dedicate his time to teaching you a lesson for your supposed misdoings.

Your father appeared in the doorway, a pistol on his hip. "Pack the kitchen first you idiot! Stay where I can see you. I don't need you trying to sneak off and making a welfare baby you damned trollop." He shoved you cruelly as you passed. You grabbed the tape gun and began reconstructing the boxes that had transported the kitchen equipment just a few months prior. Your dad cussed and ranted incessantly while going in and out of his room, banging things around and constantly checking on you. 

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