Chapter 55

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"Good morning." You heard Veronica call through the door, following it with a knock. "Time to get up."

Jughead rolled away from you. "What time is it?" He said, his eyes still closed.

"I don't know." You murmured, hearing Veronica repeat the action on Betty and Archie's door. You kissed Jughead on the forehead before stumbling out of bed and grabbing your clothes and makeup bag. You came out wearing a sweater dress, tights, boots, and light makeup. Jughead was back soundly asleep looking more precious than ever.

You went downstairs and saw that the others were already all gathered in the living room. "Us ladies are going into town to get some groceries." Veronica announced. "While the boys stay here." That didn't sound good, you wanted to stay with Jughead. You poured yourself a cup of coffee and took a seat on a barstool while the others chatted about Riverdale and Veronica's dad. Eventually you saw Jughead mosey down, his beanie back on his head. He walked over to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek before making a beeline to the coffee.

"What's the plan for today?" Jughead queried when no one paid him any attention.

"You, Reginald, and Archie are staying here, while we," she gestured, "are going into town."

"Wow sounds like a hoot." Jughead said dryly.

"Oh, come on, we can do some axe throwing bro." Archie piped up.

"Don't bro me."


You looked around the small country general store as Veronica and Betty picked things from a list. So far you'd seen them grab a maple ham, eggs, and zucchini.

"Pick out some snacks for you and Jughead. It's all going on my daddy's American Excess." Veronica urged. You picked out a chocolate bar, a locally sourced muenster, pickled purple cauliflower, and some crackers.

You were soon back at the cabin seeing Reggie and Archie arm-wrestling in the living room. Veronica headed into the kitchen, asserting she wanted to make dinner herself, but Betty wouldn't let her be. After helping her put away the groceries she wasn't utilizing for dinner you went upstairs, finding Jughead sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap.

"Hey." You sat down near him.

"Hey. How was town?"

"It literally seemed to be made up of just a creepy grocery store."

"Creepy in what way?" He looked up from his monitor.

"The store clerk was just really strange and asking Veronica all kinds of questions."

He nodded, turning his attention back to his screen, his fingers beginning to type.

"I picked us out some snacks."

"Oh yeah?" This got his attention as he immediately closed the laptop.

"Yeah. You keep working. I'll bring a plate up."

You went into the kitchen and found a portion of the counter to quickly cut up the cheese, placing it and a piece of cauliflower on each cracker. You unwrapped the chocolate bar, placing it on the plate.

"Fancy." Veronica commented. Betty rolled her eyes. "Don't get too full. You don't want to miss out on my dinner."

When you brought the plate into the bedroom Jughead's eye lit up. "So, this is a locally sourced muenster I found." You declared.

"Muenster is my favorite."

"I know."

"I didn't think I've mentioned it."

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