Chapter 29

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You'd been able to talk him out of his rash plan to go to Florida. You'd left the trailer together shortly afterwards. It was a crime scene, and the last thing you'd needed was for one or both of you to get arrested. You convinced him to go back to your place, and you made the walk hand in hand. It wasn't long before you were both in your bed, only the moonlight streaking in. He immediately bridged the gap between the two of you. Your faces lay inches apart and could feel his breath on your lips. His dazzling eyes radiated sadness. You brushed back the hair that had fallen over his face and planted a small kiss on his forehead. He grasped your hand and closed his eyes. You watched him for a moment before closing your own, soon falling into a bittersweet slumber.

When you awoke the next morning, you were pressed against his back with your arm firmly around him. You sat up to get a drink of water from your nightstand, triggering him to flip over.

"You're awake." He yawned, rubbing his eyes. A frown seemed to remain etched on his face.

"I am." You provided a small smile.

"Do you want to head over to Pop's? I can't remember the last time I've eaten, and something about the familiar food, sounds incredible right now."

"Yeah, absolutely."

He came out of the bathroom a few minutes later looking even more forlorn. You looked at him with concern.

"I left my beanie in the trailer."

"Well, we can go get it."

He ran his hand through his hair, thinking for a moment. "No... it's in the other direction. I'll just get it later I guess."

"You sure?"


About twenty minutes later you were walking in the direction of the diner. When you got inside, he selected a booth and grabbed your arm, pulling you to sit beside him. A waitress you'd never seen before came by with coffee and took your order. She removed your menus and disappeared into the back. Jughead intertwined his hand in yours, squeezing firmly as you sat wordlessly waiting for your food.

"Oh my god Jughead!" You cringed as you heard Betty's voice. Archie and Veronica tailed behind her. Jughead glared in their direction. You felt his hand tremble, his eyes beginning to glisten. "We have been looking for you all night."

"We texted and called you a thousand times

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"We texted and called you a thousand times." Archie added. "We were just about to report you as a missing person to Sherrif Keller."

Jughead shook his head, looking away from them.

"And you." Veronica pointed in your direction. "What the hell? You knew we were worried sick, and you didn't think to let us know that you found him. You're unbelievable!" You felt Jughead squeeze your hand tighter, his breathing accelerating.

"Jughead, we need to talk now!" Betty demanded.

"Just leave him alone." You said scowling at them.

"Oh, do you speak for him now?" Betty looked down at the interwoven hands, her face conveying disgust.

Jughead turned his head slightly in their direction. "It should be pretty clear that I don't want to speak to any of you after you stabbed me in the back."

"We were just trying to help." Archie started. "We didn't want-"

"Trying to help?" Jughead's voice rose. "Even in a town like Riverdale, trying to twist what you did... "

Everyone fell silent as the waitress carried the food over, a look of inquisitiveness on her face. Jughead released your hand as the plates were set on the table.

"Jug, just-" Betty started.

"Just go away." His nostrils flared.

"But-" Archie piped in.

"Go away!" He slammed his fists on the table causing his maple syrup to dump all over his plate.

The others stood there shocked for a second, before finally exchanging glances and making their way out of the diner. You placed a hand on his back, making a few circles while he stared angrily down at his pancakes. Eventually he exhaled, picking up his fork and knife and digging into his breakfast.


A few hours later, he was sitting on your bed, his beanie back on his head, after you'd make a quick stop at the trailer after Pop's. He'd eaten every bite of his food, but he was still in a melancholy state, and certainly not in a talkative mood. You couldn't blame him, his whole life seemed to be imploding. His phone had been going off all afternoon. He mostly ignored it, but gave it a glance every so often, perhaps hoping against the odds, there would be some good news.

"That was Archie again. He called his mom to come down and try to help out with my father. She just arrived in town. I don't want anything from Archie... but it's not like we can afford a decent attorney, and whatever court appointed bozo they give my father will be useless." He looked at you as if searching for an answer.

"I think you should whatever you think would be best for you and your father."

He nodded, beginning to lace up his boots.

"You're going to stay at Archie's?"

"Yeah. I think it would be for the best. It's a means to an end. And with this active investigation going on, I don't want you somehow getting roped into this. Not to mention, eventually your father will come home."


"On that note. I also think we should take a step back from all the Lockheed Pyron stuff. So long as this investigation is ongoing, any of us could be subject to surveillance at any time. We don't want the wrong people getting a whiff that we may be onto something."

He stood up, indicating he was ready to go. You walked him to your front door. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came. Instead, he just pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face into the side of your neck. He pulled away, giving you a sorrowful smile, then departing without either of you ever uttering a word.

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