Chapter 92

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You were working on packing up the few items in the living room when your front door was kicked in, eliciting a loud crash. Jughead busted in, Fangs and Sweet Pea behind him. You panicked, your father immediately emerging from his room and aiming the gun at Jughead.

"You get the hell out of my house right this second. Or I swear I will shoot you all dead, with pleasure. It is my legal right to defend myself in my home you braindead thugs."

"Come here." Jughead said, looking at you.

"Don't you dare." He redirected the gun to your head. "We're leaving this crap town. You just forget you ever knew my daughter," he said looking up at the others.

"I don't think so. Sorry, but you're going to have to find a new punching bag. She's coming with us." Jughead said confidently. He took out his switchblade, Fangs and Sweet Pea replicating the action.

Were they all insane? Your father had a gun. Why were they antagonizing him?

"Just go." You said, your voice shaky. After everything Jughead had been through, he couldn't die at your father's hand. "Please," you begged.

Jughead took a step towards your father, the gun firing, and Jughead falling to the ground

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Jughead took a step towards your father, the gun firing, and Jughead falling to the ground. You lurched up in a wild attempt to take the gun from your dad when he swiftly pistol-whipped you.


You awoke in a daze. Your head was throbbing, your vison distorted. It took you awhile to adjust to your settings. You were in your room, lying down on your bed. What had happened? You struggled to think. Jughead. You suddenly sat up and jumped out the bed. You had to grab onto the wall to balance yourself. You clutched onto your aching head, feeling a huge welt on your forehead. You stumbled out of your room seeing Jughead sitting on the ground, vigorously scrubbing the kitchen floor. The smell of bleach engulfed the house.

"Jughead." You dropped to the floor beside him. "I thought..." You hugged him tightly. "What happened?"

He looked at you seriously. "He wasn't going to let this go. They tried to talk him into just leaving town... I'm sorry."

"Wait. What? I saw you get shot. How are you okay?"

"Curtesy of Dilton Doiley." He lifted his shirt. "One of the pluses on knowing a hardcore survivalist. He leant us some bulletproof vests for a price, didn't ask any questions."

"Oh my god Jughead. I can't believe... What if he had aimed for your head?"

He grimaced. "Well, luckily he didn't."

"Is my dad..."

Jughead nodded.

"How did you guys even manage that?"

"Sweet Pea and Fangs rushed him when he had his attention turned to you. Plus, he didn't expect me to be getting back up, so it was actually quite easy. Sweet Pea and Fangs are disposing of him and his car. Now we just have to stick to the story. Your father hated it here. He wanted to move back to Colorado. When you were so reluctant, he just went ahead without you. Letting you live with Cheryl and stay at a school you were doing good at. He didn't care, he just wanted out of Riverdale. He didn't bother to notify his job, sell the house. None of that mattered to him. The move had been an error in judgment, and he just had to go."

"What..." You grabbed your head again, your vision flickering to black and white.

"Hey." He put his hand on your cheek. "You got whacked hard. You could have a concussion. You need to take things easy." He helped you to your feet and sat you on the couch.

"The bleach is making me feel like I'm going to puke."

"Okay. Do you want to sit in the backyard while I finish up?"

You nodded. "But Jug."


"All those people at the Whyte Wyrm last night. They saw how my dad was acting, what he was saying. They wouldn't believe he just left without me."

"He was inebriated, speaking out of his ass. Plus, the vast majority of people who witnessed that were Serpents. They won't talk."

"I don't want you getting implicated. I never wanted to involve you in any of this."

"I'm not getting implicated in anything. Trust me, I'm enough of a crime junkie to know how to cover my tracks. Everything is going to be okay." He kissed your cheek, before whispering in your ear. "You're finally free of him."


"Everything is taken care of." Sweet Pea said when they came back over an hour later. Fangs looked horror-struck, while Sweet Pea's expression conveyed no emotion.

"I'm sorry you guys got dragged into this."

"No Serpent stands alone." Fangs decreed.

"We've got you. Plus, we were under orders from the King. It's not like we had a choice." Sweet Pea smirked. He stepped forward and put his hand on your shoulder. "But seriously. As soon as Jughead filled me in on the situation, there was no way I was going to sit this one out. Screw the consequences." He looked at the bump on your forehead and frowned. "How long has-"

"There will be no consequences." Jughead said boldly. His arm slinked around your waist, pulling you close to him. "We mention this to no one." He said sternly, his gaze mostly focused on Fangs. "I've scrubbed every inch of this room twice. Let's get the hell out of here."  

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