Chapter 23

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You didn't get a chance to really speak again until Friday night. Jughead had been busy with the Blue and Gold, helping his buddies with random conundrums, and enjoying Archie's videogame collection. Never before had you considered going to a high school football game, but Jughead had stopped you in the hall the previous day and asked you to come. Archie would be playing. Betty, Veronica, and even Cheryl would be cheerleading, and everyone else's attention would be on the game, so it couldn't be that bad. Plus, Jughead would be there.

Just as you arrived at your house you heard an alert on your phone.

Jughead: Meet us in the student lounge at six.

You'd have to leave a little earlier than planned, and the idea of hanging out with the others irked you, but it would only be for a short time. You scarfed down some food, took a quick shower, and then deliberated on what exactly you should wear. You ended up in a pair of copper corduroy pants and a black velvet long-sleeved shirt. You threw on your combat boots, a leather jacket, and a silver scarf at the last minute, bracing yourself for the cold weather.

When you arrived at the student lounge you saw Betty, Veronica, and Archie already dressed for the game. Jughead was nowhere in sight. You grudgingly strode over to one of the couches they were occupying.

"Hey guys."

Betty immediately rolled her eyes at your comment.

Archie ran his hand through his hair. "Uh...hey, what are you doing here?"

"I got a text from Jughead, saying to meet you all here." You attempted a small smile. Veronica looked away.

 Veronica looked away

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"Look." Betty turned to you. "I don't know what exactly you and Jughead have been up to. But we, "she gestured between them, "see right through you. You are an awful friend. What you did to Veronica after she was nothing but nice to you. And then you knew that Jug was homeless, but you didn't bother to tell any of us. Not even his best friend. That is sick. Honestly you-"

"I never said anything about Veronica, Cheryl just made that up. And I promised Jughead I wouldn't tell anyone. I wasn't going to betray him."

"No, first of all, we all know Cheryl likes to cause trouble. But it's always stemmed from some truth, she just doesn't pull things out of thin air." She fanned out her hands. "As for Jughead, oh my god. That is not an excuse. He obviously didn't know what was best for him."

You shook your head, taking a deep breath. Was Jughead ever going to get there?

"Not to mention," Betty continued. "You're writing was extremely disturbing. You are either not all there or-."

"Okay Betty. I think she gets the hint." Archie uttered.

"Do you? Just stay away from us and our friends." You and Betty exchanged glares for a second before you arose and marched out of the lounge. You rushed towards the vacant library, sitting at the back table in an attempt to gather your thoughts. If Jughead's lifelong friends disliked you so much, it was only a matter of time until he stopped hanging out with you. Perhaps he had still been using you, in order to find out information on your father's place of work. Honestly nearly every time you'd hung out it'd revolved around Lockheed Pyron. You felt so stupid. You'd never had a genuine friend in your life, and you foolishly thought it possible to get one like Jughead. You felt tears start to swim in your eyes. You figured it would probably be best to just go home, you never should have come to the stupid game in the first place.

Your phone began vibrating. It was a call from your father. You reluctantly answered, beginning to pace the rows of books while you spoke to him. Something had happened and he was going to have to stay on. Which meant instead of being home by eleven, you'd only have to be home before three the next afternoon. Too bad you didn't have anyone to hang out with or anywhere to go, but at least you'd have some serenity at home.

A book on the shelf in front of you caught your eye. Pyron- Metal of the Future. H. Enomoto. You felt your phone vibrate again.

Jughead: What happened?

You shoved the phone back in your pocket. You weren't in the state of mind to be responding to him, if you even should. You snatched the book and sat back down at the table. It proved to be a worthy distraction. You sat in disbelief as you read about the author's aspirations and accomplishments. This guy seemed like a real-life Lex Luthor. Going on about revolutionizing the world in his vision. Evolving humankind and their planet into something superior, by means of using disturbing and experimental technologies. There was even a chapter dedicated to him bringing a camel back from the dead using nanobiomechanics. You were suddenly jolted from the unsettling read when you heard someone aggressively kick a locker out in the hallway.

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