Hospital of Nuns

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Today for the first video of hell week Sam and Colby took me and two others to the haunted hospital of nuns. We was in the car we pulled up and I said "Oh God it looks like medieval castle". Nate looked at the camera and said "I'm so freaked out by the nun hauntings". Colby looked at the building and said "Please don't hurt us while we are here".

Nate then said "I hope they spank me". I looked at Nate and said "I'm slightly worried for you". Everyone laughed as we got out of the car. Then Colby started the intro "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby". Then Sam said "Today we are here at the-". He was cut off by Nate carrying Seth spanking his ass.

Then Colby jokingly said "Who the fuck is that". I looked at them and said "I think they are called Neth and Sate". Then Sam said "No that is Nate and Seth but look at that fat ass" while tapping his ass. Nate put Seth down and we had a random celebration and I said "Wait why the fuck are we celebrating". Colby looked at me and said "If I'm being honest, I have no clue".

We finished the intro then went inside of the hospital. We walked inside and started to explain some of the history. Then we walked into the delivery room and as soon as I walked in, I was hit with sadness. Nate looked at me and said "Y/n are you alright". I looked at him and said "This room makes me feel really sad like a lot of lives were lost here".

Colby looked at me and said "Funny you said that because this is of course where the woman like you maybe older maybe younger and there was a certain doctor called Dr Specs who witnessed all of these deliveries and miscarriages". Nate looked at me and said "No wonder why Y/n feels more in here because she is feeling what most women would have felt in here".

Sam looked at Nate and said "Of course Y/n is going to hear more". Seth looked at Sam and said "Yeah I'm the ghost bate, and Y/n is our medium in training". I looked at the boys and said "I hate being able to sense things because it makes things a lot creepier". Then Colby looked at the window and said "Look at all the spiders on there".

Sam looked and said "Oh God yeah there are spiders there are cockroaches". Then Nate said "And apparently a giant ass snake named Godzilla". I looked at them and said "Yeah and that snake is in this room". Seth looked at me and said "What do you mean". I pointed at Colby and Sam said "God then okay". Colby looked at me and said "Well I mean she is not lying". I looked at Colby and said "Okay we should probably go somewhere else now".

Then we went to the middle of the 1st floor. Then Sam said "So the children's ward is over there and the adult ward is there, so there was a doctor who couldn't find a babysitter, so she brought her child to work every single day and that child is called Stacie, she would hang out near that reception and became part of the daily hospital".

Nate looked at me and said "Y/n be careful Stacie might think that you are here to babysit her". I looked at him and said "I'm closed today nothing is going to cling onto me and nothing is going to touch me". Seth looked at me and said "Yeah lets hope nobody gets a attachment".

We was walking down another hallway and Sam said "A doctor named Dr Nowaski ended up being the oldest practicing doctor". I looked at him and said "I don't know if I would want a man in his 90s doing my operations". Colby looked at me and said "He was a old fuck". Then Nate said "He was a old fuck cheese".

Then Colby said "What about if he wasn't ill-intentioned, he just like accidently fucked people up". Then Nate started playing with Sam's hoodie strings and he started moaning. I looked at Colby and said "Do you recon we are interrupting something". Colby looked at me and said "I don't know anymore".

Then we went into the church, and we heard some banging and Colby said "Where is that coming from". Then the coffin opened revealing Nate. I looked at him and said "What the fuck, Nate you scared the shit out of me". Nate looked at me and said "Why". I looked at him and said "I don't know you just did".

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