Abandoned News Station

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Today, Sam, Colby, Corey, Elton and I were doing to explore a abandoned news station. Elton stopped the car and we set the camera when Colby said "What's up guys its Sam and Colby". Then Sam said "And today we are with mother Y/n, Uncle Elton and Corey and today we are going to a abandoned news station".

Corey looked at us and said "Wait where are we going". I looked at him and said "We are going to a abandoned news station". Then Sam said "So we are going to be in Australia with these lot for a bit and we needed a video out today, so we are going to this abandoned news station". Then I look at them and said "Do we know if this place is haunted".

Elton looked at me and said "Well it could be, but I doubt it". Then Sam said "Anyways we are going to have to get in there quick because it was raining about 6 minutes ago, so are you guys ready". I looked at Sam and said "I think I'm ready". Elton looked at the camera and said "Fun fact we are right next to a gun ranger".

Then I said "Right so bear in mind we are breaking into a news station this is going to be the best and greatest news they are going to ever fucking have". Elton looked at me and said "Honestly you have a point imagine breaking the news and saying 'hello and welcome today we are at the crime scene our news station' like how would that go".

Then we started to walk to the news station and Elton said "I still have a sprained ankle so that is great". Colby ignored what Elton said "Right come on quick". As Colby said that we all started to run towards the station. When we got in Sam said "And we made it". I looked at my surroundings and said "There is more in here than I actually thought there would be".

Elton looked at Corey and said "Couldn't you have picked a different coat on". Corey looked at him and said "What you don't like the colour yellow". I looked at Corey and said "He doesn't like yellow because it attracts bees". Elton just laughs and nods.

Then Corey said "Right we have been in we can go now". I looked at Corey and said "Well you can go but we are staying". Corey sighed and said "I guess I'm staying". Then Sam said "So we haven't actually found the main news station we are just like in the building". I looked at Sam and said "Well I'm pretty sure that it is round the corner".

Then Elton said "Do you think anyone really ever took breaking news a little bit too seriously". Sam and Colby started laughing and I said "Well if I'm being honest, it's not us that took that statement too seriously". Corey looked at me and said "Yeah because we definitely did not break in".

We walked into another room and Colby said "Well I'm guessing that they would have had a greenscreen right there". I looked at Colby and said "Yeah while having a cup of coffee and then having to tell the weather to the rest of Australia". Then Corey said "Is that Garry". Colby looked towards where Corey was looking and said "What". I looked at him and said "Aww there is a Garry, its Garry".

Corey then said "Garry where the fuck have you been". We walked around a bit and Sam said "Why would they make a basement that is like 1 foot tall". I looked at Sam and said "Maybe they were hiding dead bodies". Corey looked at me and said "Why the fuck would you say that". Then Colby said "Y/n don't be funny it is so people can crawl underneath and tickle the news anchors feet".

Sam looked at Colby and said "That makes so much sense". Elton looked at Sam and said "I think Y/n's theory is a lot better". Colby found this ball and said "Corey you wanted Garry do you want Garry". Corey looked at Colby and said "Yeah throw it over to me". Corey ran away and Colby threw the ball at me, and I just about dodged it and said "Colbs you nearly got me". Colby came over to me to hug me and said "Holy shit Y/n I'm sorry".

Elton looked at Colby and said "If you would have hit my sister, I would have killed you". Colby looked at him and said "I know Elton so that is why I didn't hit her with the ball". Elton gave Colby a stern look making me, and Sam laugh as Corey came back in. Then Sam said "Right if anyone is around here, they definitely know that we are here".

We was walking around again and Colby said "Sam what does that say". Sam looked up and said "Oh my God it says rape room". I looked at the door and went behind Colby and Elton said "Y/n are you okay". I looked at him and said "I'm fine I just don't fancy being the closest to that door". Colby then started to open the door and Sam said "Wait dude you want to do inside of the rape room".

Colby walked in and said "No I think this is definitely where they kept the greenscreens". I looked at Colby and said "I'm still a bit weirded out that on the door it said 'rape room'". Sam looked at me and said "Yeah that is a bit unsettling". We walked around and I said "Don't you think it is really disappointed that they don't record in front of the city's skyline". Sam looked at me and said "I know it is really disappointing".

Then Colby said "I wish we brought our skateboards that would have been really fun". I looked at him and said "It won't be funny when one of you break something". Elton then picked something up and said "Why is there a kid's jacket just laying here". I looked at Elton and said "That is really creepy".

Then we heard a noise and Sam said "We are going to pray that is the rain". Corey then went outside and said "So anyway I'm pretty sure that the worker has gone". I looked at him and said "Are you sure". He looked at me and nodded. Then Colby said "Rolling". Then Elton said "Hello everybody and welcome to prime 7 news, right off the bat we have a weather report, and we will hand you over to Tom Foreskin, Tom can you give us the weather please".

Colby turned the camera to Corey. Then Corey said "Good day bitches it is about 60 degrees outside today". Then Sam looked at Corey and said "Uh thank you Tom". Then Corey carried on and said "So if you look over here you can tell it is a little bit dizzy and if you look down here it is a little bit Drakey, then down here it is a little oozy and so on".

Then we was walking and I saw a car and said "Guys that car is parked pretty close". Colby looked at me and said "Yeah that is a bit close". Sam went closer to investigate and then came back and said "I think we should be alright because he is parked closer to the other building".

We went upstairs and Colby said "God look at all the dicks". Elton looked and said "Yeah there is a lot of dicks". Corey looked at me and said "Y/n I dare you to lick it". I moved over to the dick drawn on the wall and Sam said "Wait Y/n are you actually going to do it". I looked at him and backed away while saying "I'm not doing it the reason being I don't want to lick spray paint".

Then Elton said "Uh guys". We walked to find them, and Corey said "This guy is being a right dick". We looked to see what Corey was talking about and on the door was a dick. Sam looked at Corey and said "God dang it". Then I looked at him and said "I was so scared I thought I was going to get caught". Corey and Elton gave us a chuckle and also while giggling Colby said "Dude that isn't funny".

Then we started to do another skit with Sam saying "So today we have a beautiful story about four men and a woman in a abandoned news station who witnessed 2 people trying to have sex each other, they said the woman was named Y/n and the man was called Colby and we have Colby to tell us about it".

Corey turned the camera to Colby and said "Yeah it was wonderful it began with her being one of my best friends and then we wanted to try it and let me tell you it is the best I have felt in years". Then Elton walked in and said "Right fella that is my sister your saying you have fucked". We all broke out of character then carried on exploring.

We went to another room and Corey said "Guys I'm so pissed off I have absolutely no connection out here". I looked at him and said "Right like I can't get any messages; emails and I can't edit any of my pictures to put on Instagram" Colby started laughing and said "Girl don't worry I feel your pain".

We heard another noise and Corey said "Right we should get out of here". And that is exactly what we did. A minute later we got in the car and Colby did the outro "Right guys we hope you enjoyed this video like and subscribe and we will see you next time adios".

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