Satan's Cross Ritual

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Sam and Colby brought all roommates Aaron, Jack, Corey and I to the living room and the camera was on the tripod. Jake looked at the camera and said "I hope you all have my fav xplr hoodie". Then Aaron let out a loud scream. I looked at him and said "Well if the viewers weren't fully awake when we started this they are now".

They started laughing and while swinging on Aaron and Corey Colby said "What's up guys its Sam and Colby". Corey looked at the camera and said "Sup I'm Chris Hanson and tonight we have Y/n Castee aka my favourite roommate". I looked at Corey and said "Oh thanks Chris".

Corey looked at me and said "Your welcome, anyways we also have Sam Golbach". Then Sam said "Yeah I'm predator". Then at the exact same time me and Jake said "Everyone go get your xplr merch like in bio". Jake looked at me and said "Did we-". I looked at him and finished off his sentence "-say that at the exact same time yeah".

Then Sam said "So anyways today we are going to our neighbour's house". Colby then said "Do our neighbour's house is in the process in being built so Y/n would you like to say what is going on". I looked at Colby and nodded then said "So there is a catch we are going to have a little visit and if you haven't watched Sam and Colby's last video well we found a cross the was thrown at Sam, Colby and I, and ever since I have had a really bad feeling about it".

Corey looked at me and then over to Sam and Colby and said "Wait are we really doing that". Sam looked at Corey and said "Yeah brother". Corey looked and said "Oh god this is going to go terribly". Then I said "And-". Corey looked at me and said "Fuck there is a and".

Jake looked at Corey and said "Dude let her speak I want to know what the and is". Sam handed me the Ouija and I said "We are going to do the Ouija in there". Aaron looked at us and said "And how are you guys planning to get Corey in there with that". I looked at him and said "Um I'll just throw him over my shoulder".

Corey looked at me and said "I'll make it easier and go in there with you guys but I'm not playing the Ouija board". Sam looked at me and said "Well that's sorted". We all nodded and started to walk to the neighbour's house.

We got over to the house and went up the stairs and I said "Okay so I don't know if Sam and Colby told you all this, but we are going to have to be really quiet because the neighbours will call the police if they hear us". Colby looked at me and said "Oh yeah we forgot about that".

Then Sam said "Wait do you hear that". Corey looked at us and said "Bro we should go then". We got out of the neighbour's house and when into our backyard. We waited for a little while and I said "Right I think we should go back because there is a low chance of them coming back". Aaron looked at me and said "You guys go and I 'll let you guys know if they come back".

We agreed and then went back into the house and set the Ouija board. Then Corey said "Will it be alright if I record instead of playing the board". I looked at him and said "Yeah it's fine". Sam and Colby agreed and Sam, Colby, Jake and I all sat in a circle around the Ouija board.

Colby got the cross out and said "Right lets get this show started". We started the board, and I asked the first question "Is there any spirit attached to this cross" nothing happened. Then Sam asked, "Is there any spirits with us at all that would like to talk to us". I looked behind the planchette slowly moved to yes.

Corey looked at me and said "Y/n why the fuck did you look behind you just before it moved". I looked back at Corey and said "No I felt like a breeze before it moved did you guys seriously not feel that". Jake looked at me and said "I didn't feel anything". Colby looked and said "I didn't feel anything, but I swear to god I saw her hair flick up the tiniest bit".

Corey looked at me and I just gave him a reassuring smile which made him calm down a bit. Then as a joke Jake said "Will Colby and Y/n lose their virginity tonight" then he pushed it towards yes. Sam looked at Jake and said "You moved that you piece of crap". He laughed and me and Colby just looked at each other.

We heard a noise and Corey whispered, "Oh holy fuck what was that". I looked at him and shrugged. Jake then said "What is it". Colby said "I don't know". I looked at them and said "It was like something fell".

I looked at them and said "Guys I think we should go because it could be the other neighbours". They all agreed and we got back to the house. Colby looked at and said "So do you guys think that was paranormal".

I looked at Colby and said "I don't think it was paranormal because I feel like it was little noises and the Ouija board and the breeze but apart from that not really paranormal". They nodded and then Colby said "Right I hope you all enjoyed this video and like and subscribe, and we will see you next time".

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