Wilsons Castle

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Today Sam and Colby took us to Wilsons Castle. Colby then started doing his intro "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby and today we are here with Y/n, Josh, Seth and haunted nights would you introduce yourselves". Sam takes the camera and brings it over to them and they said "I'm Steve" then "I'm Dylan". 

Once we got introduced to Andy the car taker before we walked in and said "You know I kind of miss Maddie". I looked at Colby and said "I know since she's related to me that makes her smoking hot but stop romanticising about my grandmother". Then we started the tour. We started in a big room and Andy said "So there is like big stain glass windows".

I looked at him and said "Yeah I mean the are very nice". Colby looked at him and said "So how many pieces of stain glass are there". Andy looked at Colby and said "There is 84 pieces of stain glass". I looked at him and said "So have you seen anything paranormal". Andy looked at me and said "I'm not the most in tuned to it but I have definitely heard the footsteps and things and a vacuum turned on".

Josh looked at us and said "They is trying to clean up the house". I looked at them and said "Yeah I don't think that is that bad". Andy looked at us and said "Yeah I have been made a believer from this place". We walked into another room and Andy looked at me while saying "That music box behind you has gone off on its own".

Colby looked at me and said "Wherever you stand something has happened there". Andy looked at me and said "Give it a turn". I started to turn it and Josh said "If that turns on in the middle of the night I'm running". I looked at him and said "I would leave and never think of coming back here".

Then Steve said "So the last time we was here we had two people under the estes method and it sounded like they were arguing". Seth looked at us and said "Maybe it was John and his wife". I looked at him and said "Probably". We walked into another room and Andy said "So if you wanted a decent night sleep this is where you would sleep".

I looked at them and said "Yeah I need that because I didn't sleep last night". Steve looked at us and said "You'd want to sleep in here then". We went into the next room and Colby said "So this is John's room". Andy looked at us and said "Yeah this was the man's master bedroom". Sam looked at us and said "John Johnson must be huge-".

I looked at Sam and said "Okay too much information". Colby went over to this safe looking thing and Colby said "What would be in here". I looked at him and said "Probably prized possessions".  Then we got to Sarah Johnson's room and Steve said "So this is the room that probably scares people the most".

Andy looked at us and said "It smells like lilacs in here".  I looked at a mirror and said "Isn't there a picture of Sarah in the mirrors". Just then Steve showed us a picture of what I was talking about. Then Colby said "don't you think it's funny that as soon as Y/n was talking about it Steve already had already got the picture out".

Andy looked at us and said "A lot of people have caught a photo of Sarah in here and there was said to be a portal in that closet". I looked at him and said "Well that is great". Steve looked at us and said "So there is some weird energy in here". I looked at them and said "In my opinion I think that Sarah believes that she needs to say here to keep the castle together".

We went near a pool table and Andy said "One time someone took a ball of the pool table". Colby looked at them and said "Why would they do that". Steve looked at us and said "They brought it back with a sorry note saying it has haunted them". I looked at the camera and said "That's why you don't take things from haunted places".

Then we went up some stairs to the 3rd floor and went into a room. I looked at them and said "Whoever looses a bet has to sleep in the bed of springs". Steve looked at me and said "If they loose they shouldn't sleep in there". We then walked into another room and I said "Sam there is a coffin". 

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