Exploring Untouched Hospital

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Today Sam and Colby dragged me and Jake to a abandoned hospital. We got in view of the camera and Colby said "What's up guys its Sam and Colby". Then Sam said "And today we are here with Y/n and today we are in Pasadena at St Luke's medical hospital". Then I said "So we have no idea if it is possible to get in, but we will try".

Then Colby said "There was also signs saying beware of dog". I looked at the camera and said "Yeah and I'm pretty sure we have heard the dog and it kind of sounded like a German Shepherd". Jake looked at me and said "Is it possible to guess a dog breed by their bark". I looked at Jake and said "To be honest I'm not really sure".

We started walking and we saw a door, we looked at the door and Colby said "Oh my god it's a German Shepherd". I looked at him and said "I told you it was". Sam looked at me and said "Wait tell me how you know by one bark that was a German Shepherd". I looked at him and said "If I'm being honest, I don't know".

We walked over to the door and the dog looked at us to say what the fuck are you doing here. As Jake walked up and the dog immediately started barking but when me and Colby walked up the dog looked at us. Colby started playing with the dog through the door and I put my hand on the glass door.

When I put my hand on the door and the dog tried to lick my hand through the door. Jake looked at me and said "Guys have you seen that the dog seems to love Y/n". I looked at him and said "It looks like it doesn't it".

Colby bent down and to the dog he said "Okay so we are going to go inside, look around for a bit and then -". Then Sam said "Dude wait dude". Colby turned around and said "What". I looked at him and said "Imagine the owner is right next to the dog and is like who the fuck is talking my dog". Jake looked at Colby and said "Like I'm not even lying but you know how Y/n talks to her niece that's what you sounded like",

We all laughed and then started to find a way in. We made it to the main entrance and Sam started to inspect the entrance. But before we did Colby said "Okay so right now we have to decide whether or not we risk it and maybe get bit by a dog". Sam looked at us all and said "Did we bring the meat".

Jake looked at me and Colby and said "Yeah we have Colby and Y/n because they have fat assess bro the dog would have food for days". Colby started laughing and I said "Well I don't fancy getting eaten alive by a dog so we will sacrifice Colby because his ass is fatter than mine and the dog will have happy days".

Colby looked at me and said "Jake do you have that measurer that you carry". Sam looked at Colby and said "What do you need a measurer for". Colby looked up at Sam and said "I want to see who has a fatter ass because it is definitely Y/n". I looked over to Colby and said "No anyways I think we should go inside".

Sam walked inside and there was a click Colby looked at Sam and said "Did you guys hear that click". Sam and Jake nodded, and I said "Guys I'm sure it's nothing". Sam looked at me and said "Y/n you go inside and see if you see anything". I walked in and I heard the click again. I looked up and quietly started giggling.

Colby looked at me and said "What are you laughing at". I looked at Colby and said "That clicking it was the automatic door but since it isn't working it is clicking". Sam looked at me and said "Oh my god we were being stupid Y/n this is why you bring us to these places because you're a lot smarter than the rest of us"

We put a mask on because we didn't know what particles were wondering around the building. We carefully wondered around the hospitals but at the same time shutting the doors so the dog couldn't get to us as easy. Then Jake made a noise and Colby jokingly said "Hey Jake shut the fuck up, your going to get us fucking caught".

Jake looked at Colby and said "Jeez I'm sorry". We carried on walking for a little while when Colby picked up a hospital sign and I said "Colby what the fuck are you doing your going to get us caught". He put the sign down and said "Don't worry I will come back and get it". We walked around the corner.

Colby looked down and said "Guys have you seen the fucking size of them paws". I looked down and said "Oh my fucking god that's massive". Jake looked at me and said "I heard that in Colby's room last night". I looked at him and said "Really because I didn't hear that last night". Sam and Colby were giggling at mine and Jake's childish behaviour, and we carried on.

We walked into this reception looking room and Colby went over to the microphone looking thing and said "Could we have uh Larry with the case of gonorrhea come to the front office". Sam looked at the camera and said "Damn I always get that". I looked at Colby and said "I don't know why you picked gonorrhea but did you know you can get chlamydia by being too close to a koala".

Jake looked at me and said "Wait like yours and Colby's favourite animal koala". I looked at them and nodded. Colby looked at me and said "What the fuck how didn't I know that". I shrugged and we left that room.

We was walking out of the room and I said "Did you hear that". Sam looked at me and said "That sounded like a whistle". I nodded and we became quieter. Colby opened the door and then the alarm went off.

We ran outside and all got in the car. Colby gave me the hospital sign and I said "When did you get this back". Colby looked at me and said "We left it near the door so I picked it back up". I looked to my right and said "Wait there is a cop car". Jake looked at me and said "They were probably looking for us".

Sam looked at the camera and said "Well that is all for today like and subscribe and we will do more abandoned videos so have a great rest of you day and adios".

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