Satan's castle

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Today Sam and Colby wanted me to go to Satan's castle with them. We got out of Colby's car corolla and Colby did the intro "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby". Then Sam said "And today we are with Y/n that is like medium and she will be joining us for this trip today".

I looked at Sam and said "Well where are we dude". Sam looked at me and then to the camera and said "Oh and we are at Satan's castle". I looked at the camera and said "May I say that we are on top of a freaking mountain".

Then Colby said "So the thing about this place is that people were literally sacrificed here at one point". I looked at Colby and said "Well that is just great anyways can I just say there is a amazing view". Colby looked and said "Yeah there is a amazing view". Then Sam said "So what is even weirder is that after all that went down they just built a neighbourhood round here".

I looked at the camera and said "Because that is completely normal". Sam looked at me and said "Well Satan's castle is literally in this dudes backyard". I looked at Sam and said "God is this person right in the head". Sam said "Anyways we are going to explore". Then Colby said "Wait guys I brought something".

Sam looked at him and Colby opened his trunk and said "Wait where is it". I looked at him and he brought a ouija board box out and said "No I only brought the box". I looked at him and said "Oh Elton was using it for something". Sam looked at the camera and said "Well thank Elton for that". I looked at Colby and said "Yeah I'm not mad about that".

Colby looked at me and said "I'm glad you said Elton had it because I would have thought that it got possessed and walked away". I looked at Colby and said "Well I'm not sure if that is possible". Then Colby said "Imagine taking a date here a hot sexy date you know what I'm saying you go to Satan's castle it's haunted and also a great view so she will just be like looking at the view".

Then Sam said "Then you put her on Satan's castle and turn her around and you say you are the beautiful view". I looked at them and said "I don't think that is my ideal date". Then Colby said "Wait dude why do you have to turn her around to do that". I looked at him and said "You just have to".

I looked at Sam and said "I really can't believe there is a alter that people would sacrifice things to Satan with". Sam looked at me and said "Yeah that is a weird one". Then Colby said "Who was the real estate agent like they said this is a beautiful house that has seen a lot of sacrificing anyways uh there is a beautiful view". 

I looked at him and said "And the person buying the house says oh what's that over there". Colby looked at me and said "Well they would say Oh nothing, nothing don't look that up it's not called Satan's castle or anything". Then we heard a dog growl making Sam jump and I said "I think that is that guys dog".

Then Sam said "There is about 17 signs saying not trespassing there are like alarm systems". I looked at Sam and said "Looks like they really don't want us to trespass but what can I say we aren't going to listen to that because when have we". Sam looked at me and said "Never".

We then started to walk down the hill and Colby slid down a bit. I looked over to Sam and said "I don't think this is really safe but you know fuck it". Then Colby said "I wonder if they like just pushed them off". Then Sam said "Well if they did then they would land in that dudes yard".

I looked at Sam and Colby and said "Guys you know if you look around here you can see the rest of the castle". Colby looked and said "Oh yeah this must of been huge then". Then Sam said "We should just break the law jump over that guys fence and go in". I looked at Sam and said "Well that means we have to be extra quiet". 

Sam and Colby nodded and I said "And when I say that I mean it and not like Sam and Colby quiet". Sam looked at me and said "Yeah because like all over it says we call the cops". We walked up to the top of the mountain to where we could get a better sight of the castle I said "Guys I'm sorry to burst your bubbles but I doubt we will be able to go there since it looks so ruined".

Colby looked at me and said "No I agree". Then Sam said "Guys there is a man stood behind you guys". I looked at Sam and said "Is he looking at us". Sam looked at us and nodded then Colby said "What do you think he is going to say". Then the man said "You are alright there guys but don't go over that wall".

 I looked at him and said "What is over that wall". Then the guy said "Private property". Sam looked at him and said "Ah alright". I looked at the camera and said "That guy is suspicious, he is definitely hiding something". Colby looked at me and said "It's private property and NOT human sacrifice".

Sam looked at me and Colby and said "Did he mention any of the satanic ish that goes on here". Colby looked at me and said "I bet anything that the guy lives there". I looked at him and said "Oh he definitely does". Then we started to walk down the hill when Colby slipped down the hill a bit and landed on his stomach. 

I looked at Colby and said "Bro are you okay". Colby looked at me and said "I'm fine just slipped". I looked at Colby and said "I think I'm going to go the safer way because I'm smart". Colby looked at me and said "That probably would have been a good idea". Sam looked at me and said "Yeah I think I am going the same way as Y/n".

When we got passed that rock I looked up and Sam said "Y/n what's up". I looked at him and said "I feel like something is watching me- look there is a guy up there". Sam looked and said "Yeah there is about 2 or 3 people up there". Then Colby tried to talk to them "Hello". I looked at them and said "Guy's they are putting up a upside down cross".

Colby looked at me and Sam and said "They aren't even saying anything". Then they threw the cross out and I went behind Colby. Sam looked at me and said "Y/n are you okay". I looked at him and said "I have a terrible feeling about this". Colby looked at us and said "I'm going to get the freaking cross".

I looked at Colby and said "Be careful it could be cursed or some shit". Colby picked the cross up and we decided to go back up the hill. We got to the top and started to walk up to Colby's car and I said "I'm glad nothing bad happened". Colby looked at me and said "You know my back kind of hurts".

Sam looked at him and said "Could that have anything to do with when you fell". Colby looked to us and said "I mean maybe". I looked at Colby and said "I thought you fell more on your stomach more than your back". Sam looked at Colby and said "You think something caught you".

I looked at Colby and said "Do you want me to check". Colby looked at me and said "If you will". He lifted up his shirt as I got my flashlight on my phone and I said "Um you have like three scratches on your back". Sam looked at me and said "Wait really". I looked at Sam and said "Yeah look".

Sam looked and said "Dude we should go home we will check it out more when we get home". Colby looked at me and said "Y/n do you think that is a good idea". I looked at him and said "Well it is probably the best thing we can do at the moment". We then got in Colby's car and went home.

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