Chapter 39: Signed in Blood

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     Howls of laughter and tears of joy steamed down the faces of the two sixth years as they stumbled through the archway into Diagon Alley, having spent the last few hours drinking beer in a Muggle pub. Storm was feeling the buzz of the alcohol as she walked arm in arm with Archie.
     They weren't laughing of anything in particular, but Storm was grateful to him for making her laugh with stories of the pranks that Fred and George had played on the Slytherin's over the years. He'd been great company, conversation flowing about whatever came to mind - Archie even knowing more than most about the ways and wonders of the Muggle world.

     But even so, as Storm spotted the door to the flat above number 93, her good mood was dampened as her fingers met the cool metal of the keys in her pocket, sobering up instantly. It was obvious that Hogs House was in Hogsmeade, but the other two? She wasn't exactly sure.
"Hey, Archie?" She asked him, pulling the two small keys from her pocket, holding them out in her palm. "Any idea what these go to?"
He looked at them, recognising what they were, letting out a chuckle. He gestured to the huge white marble building at the very end of the street. "Gringotts. Looks like you have a couple of vaults in your name. Do you want to check it out?"
Storm paused, staring down at the two keys. Two vaults? But that would mean, well, something.
"Yes." She said firmly, nodding. "I - I'm sorry for dragging you left, right and centre today. You - didn't have to come."
Archie smiled, his arm still hooked through hers. "Don't apologise - it's a sign of weakness. And we've been over this." He smiled wider. "We may not be the best of friends but, well - the offer is there-"
"I'm not used to having friends." She whispered. "Up until I started Hogwarts - only Hunter and Lexi was who I trusted. I've - always been a bit of a loner."
"Not anymore!" Beamed Archie, pulling her towards the huge bank. "Call me Archie Chamber-maid." He smirked and Storm giggled, thankful for his company.
Not the way she'd expected to spend her 17th, but it was good to have someone who (to a degree) understood more than even Lexi at that moment. Because Archie (unlike Lexi) had his own life, secrets, duty. Connected to Storm without being so central to what was going on.
She had an ally. Who happened to not be a Slytherin. Because, although she was not prejudiced, it was nice to be with someone who wasn't in that circle of individuals tarnished with an awful brush.

Storm hardly paid any attention, keeping her eyes on Archie as he lead the way into the bank, the huge marble floor polished within an inch of its life. And Goblins - goblins were sat at every desk, weighing out massive valuable gems and stones and gold.
"Mind yourself. Goblins are not the most friendly." Archie warned her under his breath as they approached the main desk at the end of the grand room.
But Storm let it slide - she had met Goblins before. They were just misunderstood, proud of their heritage. Skilled in their craftsmanship. And didn't appreciate being treated as anything less than what they were.
"Good afternoon sir!" Said Storm brightly, catching the Goblins' attention, their heads looking up at the arrival. "I was wondering if I could trouble you for some information about what these go to, please."
   As she spoke, Storm placed the two tiny golden keys in front of him, pulling her hand back, waiting for him to respond. Archie waited in silence, looking slightly wary of their eyes on them both.
"Name, date of birth and parents' names." Said the Goblin, taking up the keys into his long, knobbly fingers, bringing them close to his wide eye. Storm took a slight intake of bated breath, her nerves returning.
"Ellestormé Venus Black." She said softly. "Born 22nd of December 1976. Parents - Isabella Molano-Caeruleus and Sirius Black III." She wasn't sure what the reaction would be, but it certainly wasn't the loud screeching of chairs and hurried footsteps as every Goblin hurried to stand in a line before her, each one of them bowing so low, their hooked noses were inches from the ground.
"Such an honour, Your Majesty." Spoke the Goblin still at the desk in front of her as Storm smiled, albeit rather awkwardly at the gaggle of straight-backed Goblins. Although they didn't look all too pleased at having to bow to a witch.
Noticing their annoyance, she smiled again. "Oh, please!" She shook her head ever so slightly. "Don't trouble yourselves. I thank you for the kindness, but this is your establishment, I am in need of your services, if you would be so kind?"
Each one of them (including Archie) stared at her in amazement and Storm got the feeling that Goblins were not used to being treated as equal. It wouldn't surprise her, from what she'd learned already about the country of her birth. It was just prejudiced against everyone and everything that wasn't witch or wizard of Pureblood. Not matter how much the establishment wanted to pretend otherwise.
And it angered her. How could she be Head of State for a country that she did not sympathise with in terms of outlook? How could she endorse the Pureblood Ball when in fact, she did not share such idiotic beliefs? And how would it go down, if she were to completely rebrand the way the House of Caeruleus did things?
Of course, she knew she would uphold customs and traditions, but when it came to equality, she would not compromise the life of any. Because every life, was worth the same. Even those who resided in Azkaban - they are life. Even if they imposed death, we have no right to decide who is and is not worthy.
"Not a problem at all, ma'am." Said another Goblin, pulling her from her thoughts, stepping forward to take the keys from the desk. "If you would follow me."

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