Chapter 8: Is It Bedtime Yet?

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Storm had bid Luna goodbye and assured her that, if Storm found herself in Ravenclaw, she would see Luna later that evening. But now Storm had the monumental task of getting through the vast sea of students on the Platform of Hogsmeade Station. Without being seen.
     Storm decided that the oldest and most cunning approach to this was the only option - she put her hood over her head and hid her face - weaving in and out of gossipers who were sharing their theories on the newest piece of juicy intel - who Storm was.
'So it begins.' She thought, spying the carriages where the older students were filing inside, four per transport. She wanted to avoid company if at all possible, but as she got closer, she knew it would be unavoidable.
     But before her hesitations could get the better of her, her attentions were drawn to the animals pulling the carriages. Thestrals. She never understood why she could witness their existence, never having seen death with her own eyes.

     But it was beautiful to behold the creatures, and Storm couldn't stop her legs taking her in the direction of one of them. "Such a wonder." She whispered when she approached it, reaching out to touch its neck. But she composed herself, knowing how it would look to others to see her touching thin air.
     "Firs' years over 'ere!" A booming voice thundered over the tops of the students and a towering man with a mane of matted hair and beard gave Storm an idea.
     She ducked away from the Thestral, crouching into the bushes and closed her eyes. Her legs ached and the sensation of her entire body squashed, until she was short enough to pass as an eleven year old.
     Storm bolted though the crowd again, unseen, holding her hood over her face, that still resembled an almost adult witch. She crossed her arms over her mature chest, reaching the scared looking group of kids, huddled around the giant of a man, incognito.

     Storm regretted following through on her stupid idea, because she ended up sitting in a boat with three terrified first years. One of them even threw up over the side, into the huge, black lake.
     Storm spent the whole boat ride looking downwards, expect when she heard the collective gasp of everyone around her.
     They'd set eyes on the castle.
     And so, unable to contain her curiosity, Storm stole a glance at the illuminated skyline, where a magnificent, historic castle sat carved into the side of a colossal rock. Turrets and towers were brightened by thousands of tiny windows that shone in the darkness of the starry sky.
     "Wow!" Storm was breathless. It was stunning.
     No sooner than she had awed at what she saw, the boats came to a halt at an underground harbour and, sensing her window of escape, she hopped out and sprinted up a staircase that the giant hadn't drawn their attention to, hiding around the corner to make herself normal height.

     Storm leap up the stairs, two at a time, once against surprised at how - already - she was doing what she knew so well.
     Chatter and laughter grew louder as Storm neared the top of the winding staircase that looked as if it came out onto a front lawn, where carriages were dropping off students, who were filing through a set of oak front doors. Storm hung back a bit, out of sight. If she could, she would wait until there wasn't many people around, wanting to stay under the radar for as long as she possibly could.
     She looked down at herself, combat boots on her feet and her black robes and tie all neat and tidy, her bumbag back around her waist.

     "I'm telling you, Sirius Black won't come anywhere near Hogwarts, Neville." Storm recognised Ginny's voice pass, near to where Storm was hiding, making Storm duck behind the wall.
     What was she waiting for? She should just get up and own her presence.
     'Move!' Storm screamed at herself, jumping up from behind the wall, swallowing all sense of cowardice and taking a step forwards.
'And again, dipshit.' She told herself firmly.
     Storm took another step, scanning the area instinctively. There were less students now, many being ushered into the castle by two Professors, both stood on either side of another, both holding a long sheet of parchment and a feather quill.

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